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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. C

    OEM Laser Systems PL-III review! *UPDATE*

    Alright - review time! I received the unit in the mail this morning... Glenn shipped it out Friday afternoon - USPS Priority fails to disappoint once again! Build Quality - EXCELLENT! It was constructed very well... the only gripe I have is that there was some residue in the threads leftover...
  2. C

    Coherent Laser TV Video A Must See!!!

    If you can pose as a company, you can get a sample from Nichea for $2000. That'd be a helluva DIY to screw up on.  :P
  3. C

    Coherent Laser TV Video A Must See!!!

    Well, I think it would be DPSS... Diodes don't have very good beam specs, obviously, and that'd probably make for a crappy picture... And no, the lifetime on those diodes is reportedly fairly long - You can't make a product that's gonna die that quickly... And they definitely ARE using these...
  4. C

    Coherent Laser TV Video A Must See!!!

    They are currently developing diodes for laser displays - Me and thecheat (He's another oldie... been around even longer than me) have been in contact with Nichea about it. Of course, they're being really vague about the whole thing, but they have successfully produced 100+mW 473 and 488nm...
  5. C

    OEM Laser Systems PL-III review! *UPDATE*

    Re: OEM Laser Systems PL-III review... again... Yeah, PL-III. that's the technical name for them, as it seems. They're CNI PGL-IIIB's, or Aries-equivalents. Link Rated at 100mWs, but it averages at 152 and peaks at 208 on a Kenometer.
  6. C

    OEM Laser Systems PL-III review! *UPDATE*

    LOL, another one!  :D I picked one up from Glenn, and he shipped it out this morning - Keep your eyes peeled for a nice, detailed review come tuesday.  :)
  7. C

    A great article on LC regarding the AU laser ban.

    Re: A great article on LC regarding the AU laser b Have some respect. I've known this guy for years. You know why he posts things like that? He gets paid through the nose. He knows the truth. He's willing to do that over there for the money... and he refrains from blurting out his personal...
  8. C

    WL Dragon Case GB

    Yes, they can. I use one for both of my CNI's. ;)
  9. C

    Maybe the ban won't be so bad after all...

    Typo of the year award goes to... :D Seriously. that's an awkward mistake to make. :P
  10. C

    MORE false advertising from WL! w00t!

    LOL, 2 pages already. :P I'm on vacation, and don't have access to a scanner... I'll get a picture up as soon as I can. :)
  11. C

    MORE false advertising from WL! w00t!

    So, I picked up the July 2008 Issue of PC Magazine today... guess what was in it? A WL ad. It claimed that the Spyder II was the most powerful handheld laser in the world... So, I promptly fired off a nasty email to them, and a precautionary one to the folks at PCM. :D Anyone else read it yet...
  12. C

    PHR-803T for about $20

    Abray - Yes, there is some wavelength discrepancy. I don't know the exact number, but it's not 405nm. HELLS YEAH, they're worth it! I don't know where you've been hearing about units that die quickly, but if you keep these at ~100mA, you should be fine for quite a while. Yeah, a glass lens...
  13. C

    Tool Definitions more appropriate to their use.

    Re: Tool Definitions more appropriate to their use ;D That was awesome... Especially since I use nearly all of those tools everyday... I have slightly more luck with them, but still... :D Yes, I do have a "DAMMIT!!!" tool. Several, in fact.
  14. C


    Holy crap, that picture brings back unpleasant memories. :-X
  15. C

    I'm Back - With an announcement

    Carter! great to have you back, man! we've missed ya. :D
  16. C

    export PMs as text file? Yes! Now with a GUI!!

    Re: export PMs as text file? I see what you did there.
  17. C

    A GOOD company...

    YES! finally! you win a gold bowl. :D
  18. C

    my summary of DX lasers

    *sigh* I hate DX. I'll just leave it at that. I maintain my standards, and DX doesn't fall into the boundaries.
  19. C

    WTB - Blue-RAY

    Yeah, I'd suggest not putting anything else on Blue's plate... I've been in his situation before. Although it was much less drastic, it still sucked. :P I could probably do one of these for ya... I can't make any guarantees at the moment, however. :P
  20. C

    FAQ updated.

    Baleeted. Nobody has ever had to ask about it. :D
