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  1. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    ok, un fuerte saludo para todos, tambien deciros, gracias por la paciencia por que casi nadie me entiende,yo utilizo 2 o 3 traductores yahoo y otros famosos y nada sale medio mal la traduccion, bien lo que intento decir es que compre 1 laser 658NM 900mw y sale una cuadrado muy gordo, sale 5x6mm...
  2. ppbss

    ¿ so that they serve these 3 prisms ?

    podria to be, another day if so that she serves not I do not buy it, but I I like and I could not be resisted jajaja:evil:
  3. ppbss

    ¿ so that they serve these 3 prisms ?

    I am only used a laser 140mw 405, and when passing it through the bucket that form, the color is put it change, but 405nm is only a only laser entrance:thinking:
  4. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    DJheadie, nonencounter no puts that it well, I must myself hold, elektrofreak, some solution tendre that to put, to put squared round, some plate or some lens, or what is, if encuaentro a solution, tendre that not to sell the red ones that I must and buy otrs red with the exit 3x4 4x4mm if I do...
  5. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    elektrofreak, if you have room in your projector. yes, but for that with unit that I have 658nm podria to realise that meccla, the problem is the divergence 5x6mm of exit is much leaves crystal galvo
  6. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    kgb_productiones, ok thraks:beer:
  7. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    ok pm sent, kgb_productiones the 640 is better for a good meccla to sa that the white cold o 642nm
  8. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    kgb_productiones - 642nm Red Diode Laser - 600mw ¿as worth $$?
  9. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    HIMNL9, if it can be like just a red module, so no I have to put 2 modules pbs, as seen 642 more could be enough to 400MW, kgb_productiones thanks, I'll look, I want the white is cold meccla I am thinking of 640nm or 642nm:can:
  10. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    ASI MEJOR Hello necessit one red 635nm 500mw or 1w, for projector RGB, advise...?
  11. ppbss

    Optical Trapping - Real Laser Tractor Beams

    impressive :drool:
  12. ppbss

    ¿ so that they serve these 3 prisms ?

    yes,is very large, and if not for meccla pbs, I think no, I think they are for any length nm tuning, but not which also have 2 filters, and usually do not meccladores pbs ...:gh:
  13. ppbss

    ¿ so that they serve these 3 prisms ?

    The video is now available from the prism beam YouTube - NEEXMOO's Channel
  14. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    yes , this is close to what I need, thanks
  15. ppbss

    Scanner tuning

    thanks you
  16. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    ok :beer:
  17. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    ok I'm looking at a better translator ok GRIX thanks
  18. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    I need that 4x4mm does not have much divergence less, if is but great it leaves the galvos, as it shows the images
  19. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    nobody advises
  20. ppbss

    ¿to have 500mw or 1w of red 635nm ttl point?

    Hello necessit one red 635nm 500mw or 1w, for projector RGB, advise...?
