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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Ears and Eggs

    Canada Post

    Just a heads up to anyone sending anything to Canada or ordering anything from Canada that our national postal system Canada Post has stopped all services and deliveries due to a labour dispute. No idea yet how long it might last. Might want to use a courier if you absolutely need your item by a...
  2. Ears and Eggs

    Laser storage

    Cool idea, I like seeing what ideas other have come up with in regards to storing their collections. I just store my in a drawer in my desk. I do keep the batteries in them, most are just normal alkaline AAA batts though. Only exception is the two JLasers units at the right.
  3. Ears and Eggs

    Rainbow! Ears and Eggs Collection

    Few pictures I took today of my wavelength rainbow: Lasers Used: Z-Bolt 5mW 635nm, 5mW 593.5nm from Techhood on eBay, TinkerTavern 10mW 561nm, LaserGlow Gold Lyra 5mW 532nm, Sanwu Pocket 488nm, Z-Bolt 5mW 450nm.
  4. Ears and Eggs

    Comparison of 515nm and 532nm

    Okay, that is sweet, probably the best comparison of those two wavelengths that I have seen, what camera are you using?
  5. Ears and Eggs

    Hello, it has been awhile!

    Sweet, welcome back to the forum! Yeah they are actually 593.5, I got one right when they appeared, the golden yellow is one of my favorite wavelengths. I used to have a 5mW 593.5 from Dragon Xasers waay back, but I stupidly sold it. Regretted that for years when the yellows suddenly became...
  6. Ears and Eggs

    Bright Ideas and thoughts of the day.

    Yeah, I think it'll just be an arms race so to say between generative AI making deep fakes and detection AI detecting it. Just like missiles and missile defence there will be a constantly changing and evolving battle with sometimes one slightly having and edge and sometimes the other.
  7. Ears and Eggs

    Bright Ideas and thoughts of the day.

    What I ended up getting from Spirit Halloween - everything was 50% off at my location. I got all this stuff for just $30.
  8. Ears and Eggs

    Bright Ideas and thoughts of the day.

    If anyone has a Spirit Halloween Store nearby they often have a few days of epic post Halloween sales before they close until next Halloween. Not just on costumes but often some really cool stuff that is relevant to the laser hobby like fog machines and fog liquid. :cool: The one near me also...
  9. Ears and Eggs

    Happy Halloween Everyone!

    Couple of my lasers with my Astolfo anime costume. :cool:
  10. Ears and Eggs

    Happy Halloween Everyone!

    Happy Halloween! 🎃🦇🎃 Anyone got a cool costume for Halloween this year? :cool:
  11. Ears and Eggs

    Hello, Its Been Awhile

    Sweet pictures and welcome back to the forums! :cool:
  12. Ears and Eggs

    Alien Laser Collection 🛸

    That is a sweet collection. Imagine building some kind of setup so you could turn them all on at once and focus them all to one spot. :cool: That would be so much power it would open up a dimensional gateway to the far moons of Betelgeuse 6. :alien:
  13. Ears and Eggs

    Red laser for cat

    I would recommend Z Bolt. Made in USA and they come with a power certificate so you know they are really less than 5mW. I have this one, great for using as an actual pointer since I know it's less than 5mW and don't have to use goggles...
  14. Ears and Eggs

    Wicked Laser Core Fixed!

    Sweet, a bit of laser history there. I remember when those were first released, such a low price for a green at the time. I got one during the first rush, I remember they used to sell those dragon cases as an optional add on. Those were sweet looking. :cool:
  15. Ears and Eggs

    LPF's Other Hobbies

    Was wondering what other hobbies as well as lasers the LPF membership is into. Think we had a thread like this a while back, but many members have come and gone since then, so time to do it again. :cool: If there are any hobby crossovers that are very common or popular, maybe we can add a...
  16. Ears and Eggs

    Space Discussion Thread

    Sweet, and the Europa Clipper was also successfully launched today. Now the worst part - waiting until 2030 until it arrives at Europa. :cry::cry::cry: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/nasa-launch-europa-clipper-mission-icy-moon-jupiter-rcna171706
  17. Ears and Eggs

    Space Discussion Thread

    Sweet, they caught the super heavy booster this morning!
  18. Ears and Eggs

    (FINISHED) JLasers - September 2024 Giveaway

    Sweet! Congrats @LumenWorks .
  19. Ears and Eggs

    1W 520nm Laser Build

    Damn, again what an absolutely amazing looking host. :cool:
  20. Ears and Eggs

    New member, simultaneously experienced and noob

    Really cool build and welcome to the forums! :cool:
