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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Pontiacg5

    Laser Spyro

    Not across the two pins of the pot, that would put the resistance in parallel. (I assume you mean a leg and the wiper right? You need to be using an inside and one of the two outside terminals of your pot.) Either before or after the pot is fine, assuming you want to add the resistance in...
  2. Pontiacg5

    how do i use laser diode bare chips?

    That is the exact process Robin takes, a very closely monitored tec hotplate and indium solder that melts at something like 98c. I can't see it happening, too many places to mess up!
  3. Pontiacg5

    (UPDATED) Silvershots Host.. Warning Picture and Description Heavy!!

    Re: Silvershots Host.. Warning Picture and Description Heavy!! Looking good, subbed for those finished pics! Do you have laws about spraying at home over there? My dad used to be a bodyman so I had access to all sorts of nice guns, a few cheap guns for sealer and primer and a bunch of high end...
  4. Pontiacg5

    Disneyland 2011 LASERMAN AMAZING SHOW !!!

    Probably those double ended CNI modules and remarkable timing. If you watch close there are a few moments where you can see minor inconsistencies. I'm impressed with how accurately he lines up those mirror shots, one is impressive but two is amazing! Or, it's something even more cool like...
  5. Pontiacg5

    Laser Spyro

    How do you know those motors are turning at 13K rpm? That is obscenely high for those bearing-less motors. Where did you get the motors? If you bought them somewhere like radioshack or digikey they should have voltage and current ratings with an RPM at those settings. If you have that info you...
  6. Pontiacg5

    SOLD - 300mW 635nm Aurora SH-032

    Re: FS - 350mW 635nm Aurora SH-032 I think it's funny the blue laser has an orange tailcap and the red-orange one has a blue tailcap :D Bump for a sweet laser!
  7. Pontiacg5

    how do i use laser diode bare chips?

    I have a bunch of 635nm 500mW dies, or something close at least. I planned on making a setup that simply clamped the die making the connections so no solder would be needed. After I got the dies and saw how small they are I never even tried. A grain of rice is monolithic compared to a laser die...
  8. Pontiacg5

    Uniphase Multiline Argon Laser! 110V W/controller. Ready to lase!

    I don't think I'm ready to lower the price much yet, as everyone else has pointed out you won't find a more complete guaranteed working multiline 110V Argon like this every day. They are only going to get more and more elusive as time goes on, seeing as how almost every argon line can be hit...
  9. Pontiacg5

    WTB a Viper 125mw from DL

    Yep, the same from my thread
  10. Pontiacg5

    WTB a Viper 125mw from DL

    I have a slightly older version from Wickedlasers, back when they were still good. It was called the Fusion at the time. It's rated for 125mW and has some use on it. Here's a pic... It is the same exact thing as a DL Viper. If your interested send me a PM :D
  11. Pontiacg5

    Uniphase Multiline Argon Laser! 110V W/controller. Ready to lase!

    I thought I might get a little more interest if I gave this it's own thread. I'm putting my argon up for sale, I only use it once a month anyway so hopefully someone else can get more use of this. It's a really nice laser, a Uniphase 2214-40MLA. It's in excellent shape, hardly a scratch on it...
  12. Pontiacg5

    Can someone with an amazon account help me...

    I do my best :D It's on it's way, supposed to be delivered on the 1st. That's pretty amazing considering I just paid for it this morning. I have no idea how Amazon does it but it's sweet! I ordered a graphics card a week or so ago and started an amazon prime trial, I picked one day shipping...
  13. Pontiacg5

    PontiacG5's Massive sales thread. Diodes, Lasers and parts!!

    Another late night bump! That Argon could really use a home :D
  14. Pontiacg5

    Can someone with an amazon account help me...

    I'll help you if you want, I still have an amazon prime trial so I get free three day shipping to me, might help a little...
  15. Pontiacg5

    PontiacG5's Massive sales thread. Diodes, Lasers and parts!!

    At least 10mW with the pickup installed still, probably more like 25+mW with the pickoff removed but its a lot less stable that way. I don't have a meter though so I can't say for sure. Yep, thats a whole complete argon package. Well, I guess you need a 12V wall wart for the fans but I could...
  16. Pontiacg5

    Bad Experience with SwimminSurfer256

    I don't need to take my untested stuff to e-bay or amazon. I simply list it here as untested and sell it like that. I fail to see how your e-bay and amazon reputation is any more valid in this situation than my forum sales experience. I also fail to see how working for a customer returns...
  17. Pontiacg5

    Bad Experience with SwimminSurfer256

    Whatever, you clearly don't listen to reason. I guess the fact that I've been selling stuff on this forum for almost 5 years now without one bad deal makes me a bad seller trying to rip everyone off :rolleyes: Swimm, I hope you don't refund this guy a penny but that's just me :beer: I can see...
  18. Pontiacg5

    Bad Experience with SwimminSurfer256

    Paypal is not e-bay, quit drawing conclusions that aren't there to justify your argument. E-bay is an online auction site, paypal is a fancy online bank. They are not the same no matter who owns who. There is only ONE thing to check with an argon laser, does it lase? What else is there to...
