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  1. Pontiacg5

    RESOLVED BY COMMUNITY! - Bad experience with Bwhollen

    Re: VERY BAD EXPERIENCE with 'bhwollen' Anybody posting things as ignorant as you are is more than likely still living with their parents and using their money. If you were actually forced to go out in the world and make it on your own you wouldn't be posting things like you are.
  2. Pontiacg5

    GB: Low Cost 15K Scanner Galvo Set with DMX & ILDA Complete - $75 **ARRIVED**

    Do they mean the ILDA input for the X input? If so that is pin 1 and 14 for x+ and x-. I don't think you need to solder anything directly to the board.
  3. Pontiacg5

    RESOLVED BY COMMUNITY! - Bad experience with Bwhollen

    Re: VERY BAD EXPERIENCE with 'bhwollen' That's not disrespectful? Based on your signature I can tell that you are a very insecure person trolling for respect in all the wrong ways. Nobody cares about your financial situation.
  4. Pontiacg5

    Low-power laser needed for polymer bonding

    A simple way to bond the toner to the copper would be using a powder coating setup, it would give the copper plate a positive charge and the powder a negative charge. It won't come off at that point unless you rub it off. Toner is about the same consistency as powder coating powders, plus it's...
  5. Pontiacg5

    RESOLVED BY COMMUNITY! - Bad experience with Bwhollen

    Re: VERY BAD EXPERIENCE with 'bhwollen' I have to agree with everyone else here, you are a douche. -1 for sure...
  6. Pontiacg5

    Post Your: Unique Cars

    Here's mine, the one and only G5 GXP :D It's basically a G5 except I pulled everything from an SS Cobalt and made the awesome G5 that Pontiac never made. I'm still looking for a complete supercharger setup off of a cobalt or ion redline to finish her up. My LSX V8 S10 is in the background...
  7. Pontiacg5

    WTB: 3W 808nm c-mount diode

    I mean a module already built, pump diode included. Building one yourself will be hard, see my post in your other thread. My copper c-mount modules are not suitable for DPSS setups. It might be possible but not without a lot of custom work. If you have to ask questions like that I seriously...
  8. Pontiacg5

    500mW Green Laser 532nm Handleheld

    Re: <1W Green Laser 532nm Handleheld Nobody that I know of sells an empty green module. What you are attempting is not practical, in fact it is probably impossible. There are a lot of variables in DPSS laser design, you have a very very small window of tolerances you will need to stay within...
  9. Pontiacg5

    WTB: 3W 808nm c-mount diode

    I don't follow... Any decent green module will have a 808 diode and the crystal pair. Cheaper modules use a bonded pair of crystals and no focusing lens after the diode. More expensive modules will use separate crystals, usually spaced apart from each other a little bit and corrective optics...
  10. Pontiacg5


    Those damn little Asians...
  11. Pontiacg5

    Low-power laser needed for polymer bonding

    I suggest a 405nm laser, they are the most powerful diodes with a manageable beam pattern so they will be easy to focus to that small spot you need. As far as melting toner, you'll probably need to get a laser that's too powerful and dial it back till you get the results you want. You can...
  12. Pontiacg5

    ARCTIC HOST feeler! interested? READ

    I'll save them as a parasolid, hope you can work with that! PM incoming
  13. Pontiacg5


    It's much easier to market bull$#.. to a bunch of uneducated morons.
  14. Pontiacg5

    It is Here.!!!!! 300mW "635nm" Mitsubishi.....

    I'm not quite sure, the account I use only shares my last name. I added my Grandma to my bank account to get a 2nd card so I could at least buy things with paypal. They don't have anything that they want like a verified e-mail address or a bank account so I think I am technically limited to a...
  15. Pontiacg5

    It is Here.!!!!! 300mW "635nm" Mitsubishi.....

    PP Sent! Is it just me or is Paypal different? Where'd gifts go? Maybe Lazeerer somehow managed to get a 500mW diode labeled as 300mW? Edit: Sent for real now, I forgot DTR doesn't accept gifts!
  16. Pontiacg5

    LASERchat ban?

    KC Mo? That's close to me. KC LEM! :san:
  17. Pontiacg5


    Ouch! Breaking toes sucks, at least you can't feel it! Glad to hear your doing better!
  18. Pontiacg5

    It is Here.!!!!! 300mW "635nm" Mitsubishi.....

    I'd like to donate some too please.
  19. Pontiacg5

    SCORE! (I have to brag somewhere...)

    The lenses to diffuse the LED are glass, they make very nice lumia effects. There are two, one static rectangle, about 1"x3" and one rotating wheel about 3" diameter. The rotating wheel is glued to a geared shaft. The LED's are standard 5mm blue LEDs, if I remember right (and it's been a while)...
  20. Pontiacg5

    RESOLVED BY COMMUNITY! - Bad experience with Bwhollen

    Re: VERY BAD EXPERIENCE with 'bhwollen' What don't you get about this?? Is it that hard to understand? He does not say they will produce a certain power output, he gives a low ESTIMATE. If the buyer wants to assume things that were never stated, fine. If they want something LPM'ed they can go...
