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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. H

    [tut] How to make a Pen Gun

    /!\/!\/!\ Warning this is illegal in some areas! /!\/!\/!\ /!\/!\/!\ DO NOT SHOOT LIVING OBJECTS/!\/!\/!\ Enjoy! Info: You can use this "Zip Pen" or "Gun pen" like a dulled down real pen this is able to shoot off .22 caliber due to the relatively low pressures generated by this small...
  2. H

    Best game of all time (any platform)

    Got i loved the COD Games and the Gears of war games
  3. H

    Please, Don't try this at home

    ive done that befor... i used a match and a Axe can...
  4. H

    If you were stranded on a island...

    my Gf....
  5. H

    What race are you ?

    im Asian , but i came form India
  6. H

    **Disposable Camera TASER**

    hey could you make a tut for that...i guess that would be fun to hit my buddys with...i mean stun them not kill them
  7. H

    How do i make a burning laser?

    alright im gona use the PC diode what else do i need to make it? does anyone have a tut for PC diodes?
  8. H

    How do i make a burning laser?

    i don't know all i know is that it can burn/read DVD's/CD's
  9. H

    How do i make a burning laser?

    would a diode from a Computer work? the computer can burn cd/dvds and also read them its one of the old computer (the ones that are like gray) 1) i could care less about color 2) i whant something that can be able to burn a match or skin 3) i whant the ENTIRE thing to fit in my pocket 4)...
  10. H

    How do i make a burning laser?

    1) What wavelength (color) :i dono its a PS2 Diode 2) How powerful: i dono 3) Fits in your pocket?: the diode does 4) unlimited duty cycle? or dont care? : i don't even know what that is
  11. H

    How do i make a burning laser?

    i tryed seaching but i find stuff like 250W or something like that and i have no idea what that means...the higher the number the more powerful it is right?
  12. H

    How do i make a burning laser?

    can anyone give me a tut to make a burning laser for scratch? would a PS2 diode work to burn with?
