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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • hello everyone, I have a question,, I'm relatively new to laser pointers....but I bought one through an acquaintance and likes it a toy,,I have a laser pointer model Gatling 21 cm this appears to have a plastic lens and problem is that at a long distance I don't have a dot but more of a rectangle ,,now I've read a few things on this forum ,,,but somewhat confusing,, So my question is ; which lens do you recommend for
    That is using a multimode diode so it will never have perfect beam
    quality so it will never be a perfect circle/dot without any special beam correction optics. Also please get safety glasses from a reputable
    source while using the laser, one mistake can permanently blind you
    ok thanks for the advice,, but im getting back to my question: because it comes with a plastic lens as standard...... isn't it always an improvement with a glass lens ?? a G2 or G7 (I'm told)
    Unown (WILD)
    Unown (WILD)
    Yes glass is always an improvement. That's obvious
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