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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Laser Pointers | High Power Lasers

Please message me back on Facebook look on your message request list to find my message. I really want to buy a laser from you. What’s the fastest way to text you ?
Pretty sure you got the wrong guy here, Trinh is not tung/tunglasers . His builds(trinh) are way higher quality so you kinda dodged a bullet there! Hit up trinh with a pm and he will get back to you asap!
No I’m not talking about tung. I already bought a laser from tung. The quality is good. Now I want to buy a laser from trinh his builds are the best.
Can I ask what host do you recommend for 18650? I’m asking because trinh told me I need to pick a host so he can make it and I don’t know which host to pick any ideas ?
Go to one of his sales threads on the BSL section and pick a host, He has made many designs as of now
