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FrozenGate by Avery


I have always been interested in lasers but never had the information thats here to get into them

Guns, Lasers, Women, R/C, Women, Guns
N.E. Indiana
Disabled Iraq Veteran


405nm 700mwhand held
445nm 1.30w Hand held
473nm 5mw Lab
473nm 7mw Lab
488nm 20mw Argon
658nm 300mw hand held
808nm 300mw Diode
808nm 40w Diode bar
808nm 25w F/O Diode bar
808nm 25w F/O Diode bar
808nm 25w F/O Diode bar
808nm 25w F/O Diode bar
808nm 25w F/O Diode bar
CO2 50W and 60W

Working on building my own 355/266 10W-20W diode bar uv laser




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