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Recent content by SenKat_Stonetek

  1. SenKat_Stonetek


    I'm more worried about folks on HERE than elsewhere ! :) Not only to make sure folks are being taken care of, but to protect my fragile little ego, and rep :P
  2. SenKat_Stonetek


    Howdy, all - thanks for the kind words, it's greatly appreciated. My site is not up 100% as of yet - still having a few issues here and there, especially with updating orders - I THINK emails are being sent - but the order is not being physically updated for some reason (on MY side, that...
  3. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    At least the price was right :-)
  4. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    GAH ! Coffee all over my damned laptop now, thank you VERY much ! :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:
  5. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    MAKE one - don't pay for it ! GAH ! High Temp flat black rustoleum (the stuff used for grills, AND some unscrupulous people who insist on calling a spray-painted TEC a THERMAL laser sensor ! HAHAHAHAHA), and insulated metal would be perfect. :-) Helluva lot cheaper than buying a beam...
  6. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    WHEW ! Now, the Padawan becomes the Master....:wave: THAT is good to hear ! NOT that I doubted for a second, your safety ethics - it's just that sometimes folks forget, etc....My "little ones" are 27, and almost 19.....so I have stuff running ALL the time, especially since the 27 year old...
  7. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    With little ones in the house, I would be reluctant to ask you to run them unattended :( THAT would be bad - pure and simple ! Just be careful, in the name of science, or any other name !
  8. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    ESPECIALLY when you they will be replaced, once that idiot StoneTek guy remembers to send you MORE ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!:whistle:
  9. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    Glad I was able to make things right for you ! :)
  10. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    I was nice enough ? PHAW ! YOU were nice enough to not murder me when I completely dropped the ball on your order !:thinking: When I DO screw up, it's pretty darn good, too ! :D
  11. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    Yes - it is performing nicely, NOT as nicely as I had hoped - but still better than the PHR-803's....AND the 803's are history, folks....all that is left at various distributors will be old stock, and will NOT be replenished ! So - don't count on being able to buy the 803's for too much longer...
  12. SenKat_Stonetek

    PHR-805 405nm diodes, replace PHR-803t's

    I have 90 in stock - if you wish to purchase in bulk - email me with requests. Anselm - THANKS for doing that - I have already popped your chart up on my site (without asking YOU !) if you want me to remove it, I shall, just say the word - in EITHER case, thank you for putting it into an easy...
  13. SenKat_Stonetek

    CASH Crisis sale !

    EXCELLENT ! Glad everything arrived okay !
  14. SenKat_Stonetek

    24 gauge silcon insulated wire ! (crazy low priced !)

    Thanks, man - I appreciate it GREATLY - I STILL feel like crap that it happened - but at least it was someone I could TALK to :) (whew !)
  15. SenKat_Stonetek

    24 gauge silcon insulated wire ! (crazy low priced !)

    Thanks ! I hope it's as good, or better than the stuff I currently have - THAT would be awesome ! Well, if it's lower priced that would be awesome :) Also - sending you A PM right now, Mo ! Eh - gotta bring my PM to light.... I sent Mo's order out to him as scheduled - but it went to...
