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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Hello all. I'm Philip (as you have probably noticed by my screen name). :huh:
    I am very new to the laser world. I've always been kind of intrigued by lasers, but never really looked into learning anything about them until now. Also, this is the first forum I've ever signed up for and actually posted on. So, please cut me some slack if I'm not all-knowing about the rules just yet (and yes, I did read the welcome notes and rules), but some things are learned by more of make a mistake, get corrected by someone who knows better). :takeit: (Trust me, I take criticism very well.)
    Now that I have the "Please forgive me, I know not what I do" crap out of my system: :barf:
    I hope I can learn a lot about lasers here and maybe become a productive member of LPF! :knight:
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