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FrozenGate by Avery

Recent content by MajorLim

  1. MajorLim

    what do I need to make an interactive laser

    Hi dude! let me just blow that link up a bit for you... realtime interactive laser ILDA tests on Vimeo welcome to the forum man. you will get on well here.
  2. MajorLim

    Soldering Leads to a Driver

    exactly what I was gonna say... :P
  3. MajorLim

    Greetings from Southern California! :)

    Welcome to the forum buddy. :D have fun.. be safe. Protect your balls! As a reasonable safe first pair of goggles these are good: item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?sbk=1&nav=SEARCH&itemId=261097357938 item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?sbk=1&nav=SEARCH&itemId=261211349717 They are cheap enough you...
  4. MajorLim

    uk feeler.. Batteries bits and bobs..

    I'm gonna write a thread about them and see what happens... hmm..
  5. MajorLim

    uk feeler.. Batteries bits and bobs..

    That's a good deal there man..Although I have no experience of dhgate. But that's the sort of deal we are looking for. Is anybody interested in investing in some?
  6. MajorLim

    Greetings from Canada

    i am in the uk... everyone here seems to not like lasers! lol
  7. MajorLim

    Greetings from Canada

    hello. welcome to the forum. :)
  8. MajorLim

    uk feeler.. Batteries bits and bobs..

    nobody? im so alone!!! :yabbem:
  9. MajorLim

    I'm the next new member

    Hello Fellow noobsters. Welcome. :)The world is your oyster... think of this place as the bit of grit that forms a pearl... a beautiful lazery 445nm pearl... or something... I just woke up... gimme a break... :shhh:
  10. MajorLim

    uk feeler.. Batteries bits and bobs..

    Hey wonderful peoples. Ive been looking online at a few things and was wondering of any one in the uk was interested in teaming up to buy a few necessaries in bulk? Batteries, diodes,drivers, hosts or anything really. especially lasers... Let me know and I will try and find us all the best...
  11. MajorLim

    Looking to purchase 200mw 445-450nm laser

    niiice... :)
  12. MajorLim

    Looking to purchase 200mw 445-450nm laser

    try this dude... 405nm 1mw Blue VIOLET Laser Pointer High Power Adjustable Focus + Charger+16340 | eBay very good starter laser. :) it says 1mw but it wont be...
  13. MajorLim

    eBay 5mw 405nm "High power laser"...not!

    Oh my.. I leant my lesson about resistors when I built my led cube... re soldering 64 rgb leds is not fun... :( but it taught me how to solder though. :P
  14. MajorLim

    eBay 5mw 405nm "High power laser"...not!

    I know, it's got some weight to it too. If it fails as a laser I could use as a personal protection device... :)
  15. MajorLim

    eBay 5mw 405nm "High power laser"...not!

    Lol... It wasn't even nine volts... I had my bench supply set 4.5v... It's just because the driver is single sided op-amp... I.e. On the the driver the path for the +v tracks directly to the + LD. And the -v is the side that manages the current. So as I touched the supply on the case it just ran...
