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  • Hey guys, I'm new here at this forum, so this is just to let you all know what I've got in my little laser collection:

    Wicked Lasers Spyder III GX 200mw 1.5mm BD 1.5mRAD
    Wicked Lasers Elite Pro 150mw+ 1.2mm BD 1.2-1.5mRAD
    Nova Lasers 125mw 532nm 1.2mm BD 1.5mRAD
    Wicked Lasers Core 5mw 532nm 1.5mm BD 1.5mRAD
    Blue-Violet 405nm (very unhappy with this one from Think Geek)

    Alright guys, looking forward to the good times we'll have on this
    awesome forum, drop me a message some time!

    Oh, and I may be selling the Elite Pro listed above some time in the
    near future due to my insane college expenses!

    -MacMaster (John)
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