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Recent content by Dutch67

  1. Dutch67

    Back for a short bit, looking to buy a laser table/engraver. Need opinions.

    https://a.co/d/0QSVtcn Was looking at this one It's an amazon link, not sure why it looks like that.
  2. Dutch67

    Back for a short bit, looking to buy a laser table/engraver. Need opinions.

    Hey all, I'm back for a short bit. Was just wondering if anyone has purchased a laser table/engraver and had some good recommendations. Tried searching the forums a bit, but couldn't really find what I wanted. I'd like for the engraver to be capable of engraving metal from alumin/brass up to...
  3. Dutch67

    Last Eghemus host with 505nm DTR laser module

    Please post a picture of the host. I am almost sure I know exactly which host you’re referencing but I need to be certain. I was a fan of eghemus but sadly joined shorty after he left.
  4. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    Wow it really has been that long. I just spent a really good chunk on a new computer so I won’t be spending much here for a while lol. I have been really interested in getting a yellow pointer again though. And maybe a nice high powered green. life’s just way to hectic in the world today. I do...
  5. Dutch67

    Dragonlasers Ph Series Laser Module.

    Just a quick question as I haven't really been in the game for a bit. I see that the 589nm Spartan is no longer available from DL but I do see a 589 module. Is this the same module the spartan held? Does it reach 50mw safely? Also, has anyone worked with one of these specifically yet? I feel...
  6. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    I plan to in the future. Got a wedding and a house to save and buy for, plus this corona virus business isn’t helping either. But I definitely plan on buying more lasers
  7. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    I haven’t been told whether or not they’d like to reveal themselves but if they see this they can do so :)
  8. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    good items for the right price always sell fast
  9. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    I’m sorry to say that you’re just a few minutes late☹️ All items are sold The host can still be bought from ultra savers brand new for $114 you just have to choose the option that gives the hilt only
  10. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    Realized war glaive price was wrong, Corrected.
  11. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    Tbh I had forgotten how much I paid, but yeah you're right, I guess its going a little too low. Thanks for the info :)
  12. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    I look to move back into maybe in a year or two, but I never used the LPM much and I was never bothered too much to the exact power of my lasers, except when I used to own some rarer wavelengths
  13. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    Thanks buddy, good seeing you again :) Its been such a long time and reading back through some old posts I'm really missing this place. I'm still pretty young though and I have some life purchases and decisions to go through for a little bit. I hope to come back soon
  14. Dutch67

    SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

    ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD—— Hey guys, long time no see! I'm just dropping by the sell some stuff that I have sitting around not being used. I'd like to get back into the hobby some time but it might be a bit while I settle into life some more. Shipping included in price Up first we have a Hyperion...
  15. Dutch67

    I wanna make a host out of Damascus steel for a 450nm 7w

    Exactly, I started making a ring out of it but it accidentally cracked it when I tried to finish it :cry: It was beautiful too. EDIT: Be very careful should you decide to use a material like copper+nickel silver damascus. When you mix metals such such as silver(noble) and copper(base) the base...
