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Recent content by BEARS ARE PEOPLE TOO

  1. B

    Best Tripod?

    Hello all! Laser noob here! I recently got my 1600mW 445nm blue laser from laserbtb and WOW... This thing is amazing. I will post a small review with some pics sometime next week (after finals...) if I remember. Anyway, my question is, what is the bet tripod out there for a good price? I...
  2. B

    Laser Noob Need Advice!

    Ok cool. Good to know. Also, the laser finally got here! This thing is scary powerful. Burns stuff very quickly. Is there a way to make the dot tighter? The thing is screwed in all the way, but seems to spread a bit at longer distances. I haven't tried long range burning yet. Also, can...
  3. B

    Laser Noob Need Advice!

    So the agonizing wait is almost over! XD The laser (PL 445 1600mW) is almost here. Should arrive at my door in the next couple of days. Anyway, I had a few more questions about it and some other laser things: 1. Will this laser come with a power certificate or something? How will I know I...
  4. B

    Safety Glasses for Big Head?

    Just got them today and they fit great. Not tight at all and very comfortable. And they cover your eyes very well.
  5. B

    Safety Glasses for Big Head?

    Could you link me those? I was thinking about getting 2 pairs anyway.
  6. B

    Safety Glasses for Big Head?

    Hey all. Recently I purchased the Eagle Pair 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles from SLU, but they look a bit small from the picture. Kinda hard to tell. Any big headed laser users have any experience with these??? XDDD. I'm just worried they won't fit well. If they don't can I return...
  7. B

    Laser Noob Safety Questions

    O.O Ok welp now I'm hella spooked. I think i'll just attach the keys for the laser to the glasses XD. No glasses. No laser.
  8. B

    Laser Noob Safety Questions

    hmm. i'll have to play around with that then. Generally speaking how far can a 1.6W laser burn stuff. how have other 1.6 w lasers performed at a distance?
  9. B

    Laser Noob Safety Questions

    2spooky4me. How much exposure can cause some significant damage? Direct contact is not a worry cuz I'm probably going to lock this thing with they key, close the shutter, and remove the batteries every time I'm not using it XD... How many times would it take to damage your eyes by looking at...
  10. B

    Laser Noob Safety Questions

    Hey all! I recently purchased a 1.6W 445nm laser and I already bought these, but after reading some of these stories about close call or actually getting hit in the eye I am terrified! :cryyy: So I wanted to know every precaution i need to take before using the laser (when it arrives). Do...
  11. B

    Laser Noob Need Advice!

    I thought about it, but it was an extra $25 bucks or something cuz the package was heavier at 1.5kg. Oh well.
  12. B

    Laser Noob Need Advice!

    Oh ok, good to know. It says paid under the order so it should be fine. I'll email just to be safe. Thanks! :D
  13. B

    Laser Noob Need Advice!

    The cheaper one, already forgot what it was called. $22 i think. Not the $30 dhl one or whatever it was.
  14. B

    Laser Noob Need Advice!

    Btw I just submit my order through laserbtb and I did not get a order confirmation directly from the website. I only got one from paypal. Is that normal? Usually I get a confirmation from the company of the site. Also, will I get a tracking number? I did not see that anywhere?
  15. B

    Laser Noob Need Advice!

    I pretty much have no experience. I bought a Burning Laser 301 Green Laser Pointer High Power Laser Suit 5mw from banggood for like $8 so idk if that counts XD. That thing does not burn anything. I'll post some pics and my thoughts about it when I get it! :D :D
