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Recent content by BeamDump

  1. BeamDump

    Selling 3 sets of Coherent 60, 80 watt IR laser diodes with power supply

    Last 80watt diode system up for auction - https://www.ebay.de/itm/185221098284?hash=item2b2009ab2c:g:e-oAAOSwsjBhemvN
  2. BeamDump

    Selling 3 sets of Coherent 60, 80 watt IR laser diodes with power supply

    If anyone's interested one 60W set is put up for auction: https://www.ebay.de/itm/185132509046...oAAOSwsjBhemvN
  3. BeamDump

    Selling some lasers

    Do you/will you have any more green handhelds in near future?
  4. BeamDump

    i selling my laser with big disscount

    1.8W green with beam expander still available?
  5. BeamDump

    Selling 3 sets of Coherent 60, 80 watt IR laser diodes with power supply

    New prices: 60 watt laser set - 800 EUR + EE VAT 20% 80 watt laser set - 900 EUR + EE VAT 20%
  6. BeamDump

    Selling 3 sets of Coherent 60, 80 watt IR laser diodes with power supply

    I tried to make the offer as simple as possible with pretty much a plug and play system. Price is not final, make an offer and we'll work something out. Always opened to negotiations.
  7. BeamDump

    Selling 3 sets of Coherent 60, 80 watt IR laser diodes with power supply

    Reducing the prices: 60 watt laser set - 1500 EUR + EE VAT 20% 80 watt laser set - 2000 EUR + EE VAT 20% Also have matching chillers to sells, if interested.
  8. BeamDump

    Solder or super glue ?

    Unless you take her to Dubai for your honeymoon that is ;)
  9. BeamDump

    Solder or super glue ?

    Advice for next time: when your doing any kinds of PCB rework/repair, should a trace comes comes off or you measure a poor or unstable connection, solder over a bride insulated wire or enamelled copper wire and spare your self the hassle. :)
  10. BeamDump

    Solder or super glue ?

    What was wrong with using a beRnzomatic torch to heat up a piece of copper at least and applying that to the solder joint?
  11. BeamDump

    3W blue laser pointer(Laser diode size:9mm)

    Understood. Thanks for looking out.
  12. BeamDump

    3W blue laser pointer(Laser diode size:9mm)

    It's early morning and i'm still up working from the day before on my 10th cup of coffee. The date is something i didn't check, all i saw was something i liked. That's good enough for me.
  13. BeamDump

    Selling 3 sets of Coherent 60, 80 watt IR laser diodes with power supply

    Greetings to all Willing to sell these or trade for them. Make an offer. I have 7 sets of coherent laser diodes with power supplies with objective lenses that were pulled from CTP machines (computer to plate) that have been laying around for some time now. 4 pcs 80 watt and 3 pcs 60 watt...
  14. BeamDump

    A Plea for EYE Safety!!

    I've used OD4+ for years now, eyesight hasn't degraded any.
  15. BeamDump

    3W blue laser pointer(Laser diode size:9mm)

    Good build
