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Recent content by 303mod109

  1. 3

    How to give a price to a private build

    Yeah, i have been soldering since I was 7, still bad lol. I have Been using and buying lasers since I was 8, which was 5 years ago so I am not new to lasers. Had my first 500mw at 11, so I am experienced when it comes to handling lasers. Just bad at building. Only solder to repair broken...
  2. 3

    The Little Diode That Could

    Yeah, kinda funny actually. A 30 cent laser diode can outlive a 18$ m140. Actually with proper cooling, they might be the same. Those m140 diodes are pushed hard too though.
  3. 3

    How to give a price to a private build

    I would build something myself, but my soldering skills aren't the best. I am guessing 50-70$, I already have a 1w 450nm laser, but am trying to add a high power red laser. I don't want a 303 either because that host has inherited quality control issues.
  4. 3

    WTB: laser diode extractor tools

    You might actually be able to build one from hardware store parts.
  5. 3

    Hong Kong student arrested for carrying laser pointers

    This is the end of lasers. Sad to see how idiotic those protesters are. I agree the student should be released though. Just sad that lasers might become illegal soon.
  6. 3

    How to give a price to a private build

    I was curious, how much would you charge for a DVD burner laser pointer? Like a 150-100mw one.
  7. 3

    hello Question laser and scotoma injury

    You mean class 3a right? In that case no, you will be fine. Just dont be stupit with it and you will be fine.
  8. 3

    Laser 303 Disassembly

    Besides, if you are going to play with lasers, play with somthing cool, not a ugly 303 host. I still laugh at the fact somebody thought a g2 was in a 303.
  9. 3

    Laser 303 Disassembly

    Honestly yeah. Cringy. I am 13 but, unlike that guy know how to act mature. A g2 is 15$, so you could buy 2 303 lasers. The host itself is bad.
  10. 3

    cheap powerful laser pointers?

    They are good, but most things are glued In place. I would recommend taking jb weld and going over easy to snap out of place parts.
  11. 3

    532nm 50mw laser. Not 50mw of 532nm light. Is that normal?

    I would be VERY careful with those cheap dpss lasers. They put out unacceptable amounts of infared. I tested a green 303 with a infared pass filter and it wasn't looking good. Buy glasses to protect against infared and the wavelength of the laser.
  12. 3

    GUIDE: Which company should I buy from?

    Ok, thanks. I bought a 200mw green laser module off there.
  13. 3

    GUIDE: Which company should I buy from?

    I found a violet laser module that is 20$, and it puts out 100mw, so I will just use that. I think I could put it in a jayrob flashlight. I saw styropyro do that in one of his videos
  14. 3

    GUIDE: Which company should I buy from?

    Was going to buy from them, but now I guess not. Anyone know anybody on here who can make a cheap laser under 30$? I need at least 50mw
