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  1. MetalGear753

    what kind of laser does a ps2 have?

    Sony Sony PlayStation 2 Slim Laser Assembly TDP-082W include PVR-802W for PS2 | TDP-082W (TDP082W) | Sony Searched for the laser assembly in a PS2. I found with that page that the laser is a PVR-802W. I can't find any particular specs on it, but seeing as it doesn't do anything but read the...
  2. MetalGear753

    ~1.5W 445nm Laser Burning Things

    +1. Pretty BAMF video.
  3. MetalGear753

    Tailcap before unit?

    Laser unit came in. Actual review to follow in review section.
  4. MetalGear753

    Tailcap before unit?

    You're right, but it might have just been that I forgot to put the battery in. :whistle:
  5. MetalGear753

    Tailcap before unit?

    Haha, thanks. I'm stoked to get this freaking laser.
  6. MetalGear753

    Tailcap before unit?

    ipTQG6j3X8k :D ?
  7. MetalGear753

    Stupid kid with 800 "megawatt" laser

    Here's the thing though. Children can be as safe as they want, but they lack worldly experience and judgment that would be required to operate a tool like that safely without supervision.
  8. MetalGear753

    Tailcap before unit?

    I asked them to ship them separately, but everyone I've heard about got the laser FIRST, then the tail cap and batteries. I'm worried it got confiscated at customs or something. Anyone else receive batteries first?
  9. MetalGear753

    Stupid kid with 800 "megawatt" laser

    I shouldn't have even mentioned the autism, because they shouldn't be giving it to a kid, period. That was my main point I was trying to drive across and lost it in translation. I'm sorry, I didn't intend to offend.
  10. MetalGear753

    Solar Color Dust, "photochromic" pigment

    Very cool. Apparently 405nm lasers only react with the red and purple though, so keep that in mind if you are looking to buy! I might pick some up...this is cool.
  11. MetalGear753

    Stupid kid with 800 "megawatt" laser

    So assuming they're not lying, and the kid actually has autism, how would we go about contacting his parents? He shouldn't be messing with that. He doesn't even have goggles.
  12. MetalGear753

    Tailcap before unit?

    If this is the wrong board to post in, just let me know, lol.
  13. MetalGear753

    Stupid kid with 800 "megawatt" laser

    Who the $*&@ gives a laser like that to a child with autism and doesn't supervise him or her?
  14. MetalGear753

    Stupid kid with 800 "megawatt" laser

    I commented as well. I only said it would be up to 200mW because I wanted a small buffer to ensure I was right, and cameras often underplay the brightness of the laser beams..
  15. MetalGear753

    Tailcap before unit?

    I ordered the waterproof 200mW red laser from O-Like.... I got the tail cap and battery before the laser unit.. Do I need to worry? Everyone I heard of got the laser unit first..Did customs get me? Either way, the tail cap feels like it is extremely good quality..its solid and clicks well...
  16. MetalGear753

    recently bought from o-like.com on 9/26/10

    I got a tracking number now and was told it was shipped yesterday. Now all that hinges is the quality of the item. I'll be doing a review on it when it comes in. If its good, O-Like has another purchase lined up.
  17. MetalGear753

    recently bought from o-like.com on 9/26/10

    Note the days. What do I make of this? She said she would ship it 4 days ago, the order still says processing, and she can't give me the notification number. I'm getting really sick of buying things from people who just take my money and take forever to send my item. I've been trying to...
  18. MetalGear753

    Kipkay died, guys...

    Way to excite me.
  19. MetalGear753

    Does a cooled laser run longer?

    I'm an electronics newb, the wheel has two bare wires...how would I power it with the 100+ volts?
  20. MetalGear753

    Does a cooled laser run longer?

    That is LEGIT. I'd pay good for one of those.
