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Wtb: Leds

Well i like to make signs and things for cars (rc and real) and i never seem to have enough. so i plan to buy enough to last me a year okay who am i kidding a few months but i just love leds.
I am talking straight to the manufacturer i do not want to keep using flebay.
I am hoping not to get burned but sometimes you have to take a risk to find out if there good or not, general if your in the habit of ordering leds about every 2 months they don't want to screw you, they want you to keep coming back.

Good News every one!
I got some good info back or at least looks good.
Emitted Color~nm~Lens Color~---mcd @ 20mA---~VF(V)@IF=20mA~View Angle~Price
Red-----------625-Water Clear-----6000-----8000 ----1.9----2.3---------15----------$0.013
Blue----------465--Water Clear-----4000----6000-----3.0----3.4---------15----------$0.020
Green--------515 --Water Clear---14000----18000----3.0----3.4---------15 ---------$0.022
White--------6500K-Water Clear --12000---14000-----3.0---3.4---------15----------$0.016
So this is some good info but shipping could kill it so we will see, also we should get some sort of price break but until i get the exact numbers we will have a rough idea.
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What brightness LEDs are you talking about too? Some white brighter ones (4200mcd) I got from Digikey cost me on order of 40 cents per LED, falling to about 15 cents per LED in large quantities. Bright red ones are about 27c each, falling to 12c in quantity. These may be the prices we're going to have to tolerate for decent quality LEDs unless you have direct sources.
Lifespan:50,000hours Warranty:3years
3% light decay in 10000hours
mcd aka brightness is the 4th row
I'm in for 150 of each colour... I have always wanted to make a Christmas LED array with programmable flashing designs.

All up 600... Hope that's ok :D
We are up to 6,600
Not bad for such a shot time.
Waiting on coast of shipping that could be a deal breaker. but we will see.
Do you know who made the LED's that will give you a clue as to there quality !
Now if you are truly interested in quality high out-put LED's I can maby get you a very good deal on select NICHIA brand LED's
they are the only ones we use here in out lights. we even gold plate the leads for our own use.
Gold plated and formed leads, drying after the plating process.

They come in bags of 1000 ea in several different colors, Blue, Red, Green, Nite vision green, purple, yellow, orange, White, & Brown.

I will check on prices tomorrow for you but they won't be $15.00/1000 I can promis you that. if you want a good LED they are like anything else You have to pay for what you get, I know we have went through millions lit. in the last 10 years of making little lights to light the world with ;) so I've seen just about everything out there and believe me NICHIA is above all else when it comes to lasting, they are tough !

Lifespan:50,000hours Warranty:3years
3% light decay in 10000hours
mcd aka brightness is the 4th row
Well i will admit it i am kinda a tight ass,
I dont mind not having the number 1 product as long as it will suffice in its purpose. even if they only lasted 5,000 hours i would be happy.
I don't want my leds to outlive me now that would just not be fair.
If they lasted for 5,000 hours that would be 208.3 days of run time way over what i need.
I don't think i have ever run something that long in my life but being 19 i have lots of time to do it.
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Ok, after reading this thread I am VERY curious as to why you need so many LED's, so please tell me, it's killing me.
Well i am working on cars, RC and real.
I take 500-800 dollar cars and fix them up.
I fix them for about 500-800$.
I do everything from disassemble the interior to every hose under the hood for cleaning.
I rivet and weld on plates and repair any and all rust damage i also repaint the car, My paint jobs look just as good as new, not your normal spray can crap, my paint self levels.
A good nice shine, you can do your makeup off it.
Anyway When selling one of these its great to give the interior some nice accent lighting. I plan on putting in about 100 of each color led in the car.
Much cheaper than neon's and such, all interior of course as they are illegal in the us to have them on out side of your car.
So i make about 300-400 of every job i do, i have done 3 so far. i am working on a 92 probe and ohh boy does it need some love finally got all the windows working now if i could just get those stupid head lights to go up and down... Well i am ranting now......
Remember i live in Detroit people here love that shit...
I do like blue tho....
my pc blue, my room blue, my rc cars/planes/boats/dead hydro foam boat plane thing all have blue leds.
I also make lights for my room so my whole room lights up its very cool.
Also pc case mods. i make custom side panels with Plexiglas and then give it some led lighting.
I just love leds they are small efficient low heat and look great if i had the money every light in my room would be led, but those led bulbs are way to much for me.
I also make signs for things i made an open sign for my friends father place of work there old one fell and broke and he wanted a nice one that would last so i made him one out of leds.
Come to think of it i should invest some money so i can get pics of the stuff that i made but only having a web cam kinda sucks... only takes pics of things in my room.
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Have you ever heard of Oznium.com?

They sell LED strips by the foot and LED modules designed to be put in cars and run off 12v power, I've bought a few things from them for my car, and their CS is the best I've ever seen. They're based in Colorado and their shipping is amazingly fast (2 days for me and I live in Louisiana).

Just a suggestion.
Those are nice but if you price it out to doing it yourself you will save 1000$
There good for people who don't want to deal with the hassle of making there own mounts for them and stuff.
I didn't mean to suggest your a tight ass, I used to be the same way a long time ago but after many trials I have found that you realy do get what you pay for in most all cases !
And I do mind not being #1 I strive to put out the very best product I can produce with my skills and equipment ;) I try to produce a prouduct like I would want to buy, and I think you know by now I don't go in for 2nd's and 3rd's, after all we are here for only a short time why settle for seconds.
I was just trying to help you out, I hope you find the LED's you need :beer:
Oh no i am a tight ass, but only cause im poor er well i got over 700 tied up in this stupid ford probe, but soon to sell for around 1,750 yay for cash for clunker taking most of them off the road, the prices of clunkers have almost 2x around here.
As i know the ones you got would be great and last almost a life time i have to think about there use. the leds are going to out last there uses.
My rc cars and stuff seem to come and go every 3 years, the cars i am fixing will probably only last another 4-5 years and most people who have leds or neon's only use them at night when your trying to impress someone so i don't have to worry about them going over there rated life.
For things like signs and displays i might try a bit better quality but for accent lighting and Christmas trees i think these should suffice but i am waiting to hear from the supplier about there warranty.
Sounds like good thinking to me, you know what you are doing better than any one else ;)

Oh no i am a tight ass, but only cause im poor er well i got over 700 tied up in this stupid ford probe, but soon to sell for around 1,750 yay for cash for clunker taking most of them off the road, the prices of clunkers have almost 2x around here.
As i know the ones you got would be great and last almost a life time i have to think about there use. the leds are going to out last there uses.
My rc cars and stuff seem to come and go every 3 years, the cars i am fixing will probably only last another 4-5 years and most people who have leds or neon's only use them at night when your trying to impress someone so i don't have to worry about them going over there rated life.
For things like signs and displays i might try a bit better quality but for accent lighting and Christmas trees i think these should suffice but i am waiting to hear from the supplier about there warranty.
