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Really BAD experience with Lazerer

Well thats a good idea. I commend you.
I just have to elaborate that certain comments need not be so insulting or rude. I really did not know. I'm not necessarily saying that it was you but I think you know what I mean, so I will let it rest here. k'?

Well i didnt mean to insult anyone but really lazerer rep had been bad a long time now from what i can read, funny i typed in lazerer on google and the second result shows a hit of Meh from 2012 a bad experience someone had.. underspec laser and it took them a month to deliver, so even 2 years ago they were crap and probably same today so nothing changed, just because they exist doesnt mean they offer good business.. I think people should do a little more research before buying lasers because nobody want a underspec laser or of crap quality, all it takes a few minutes and you can get lots of info about a certain company.

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It's truly a shame to read these posts. Lazerer is the only company I've seen that has a 450nm laser in the SD-303 host. Their 532nm in the SD-303 host is also stable and bright. I got the power certificates and they were 127mW and 112mW respectively. Both lasers have proven extremely durable.

I would imagine the original owners sold the company, and as often happens, it becomes a completely different business. It's usually not for the better, or so it seems to me.
laserbtb also has a 450 100mw laser. just avoid this pos company.

I have that laser as well.

Laserbtb (Skylasers) are fun and all, but they are constant on/off. Momentary lasers are fun in a completely different way than constant on/off, and it's a shame to see that a formerly good company has chosen to take this route rather than maintain its former quality.

I prefer my Lazerer 450, honestly. It's easier to work on and adjust when the focus is wrong. The focus on my Skylaser 450 is a bit off and due to the oodles and excess of glue used to assemble the host, there is no good way to adjust it.
