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New guy


Sep 24, 2012
I'm an extroverted & creative guy living in Melbourne. Uncompromising in all that I take pride in or hold dear. I am a senior systems analyst, web developer & occasionally dabble in graphic design. I talk too much and I am either 110% passionate or entirely apathetic. I love to create.

For me, lasers are beautiful yet to be feared and respected. I'm here to learn from some veterans so that I in time I can hopefully build my own laser without putting myself or others in harms way. I probably wont post often however I will be forever lurking around the forums looking for that useful piece of information or perhaps a little entertainment.



P.S. I wont to avoid doing the above to my housemate.

to the Forum....
Don't forget to read the FAQs...the Stickies
and the Forum Rules..

If you plan on buying anything on the Forum....
PLEASE read this first...

6 Steps To Prevent You From Getting Scammed

and PLEASE don't forget to read to this....

39 Reasons NOT to Buy From Wicked Lasers

If you do get a Laser or already have one be sure
to get appropriate Laser Safety Goggles/Glasses...

Get Some Safety Goggles Now!

Don't forget to put your location in your Sig if you
haven't yet done so. This way we know where you
are from.

Enjoy your stay...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
Welcome! I look forward to a thread detailing your first build with lots and lots of pics(hint hint). This is a very helpful community and if you utilize all the research that has already been done on here, I am certain you will be well on your way to your first DIY laser in no time at all!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I'll certainly be posting pictures of both my successes and more likely at first, failures. :whistle:
