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Most powerful laser pointer?

You might consider asking Wicked Lasers this question.
We here still struggle to combine beams and design the
necessary optics.
You could hurt yourself with 10 Watts.
OMG, 200W of 445nm :eek: AND DAT PRICE :drool:

Dude, I'd get that laser if I were you!
If you do some research you will quickly learn that to get 10W of 532nm is impossible because of the amount of heat it would produce (driver losses, diode losses, DPSS losses)
Thanks for the reply there guys.

So on the market today which laser can shine the furthest?

I presume the one which can will also be able to burn things very quickly, right?

Wrong. The one that can burn the best will have the highest power density (W/mm^2) and the one that will shine the furthest will a low beam divergence (mRad), ideally low beam size (mm) and high power (mW)
I see on sites like aliexpress ones which say 200,000 mW... is that even possible?
Wrong. The one that can burn the best will have the highest power density (W/mm^2) and the one that will shine the furthest will a low beam divergence (mRad), ideally low beam size (mm) and high power (mW)

I wish sellers would quote those specs.

I haven't seen either power density (W/mm^2) or beam divergence (mRad) specified for any lasers I've either bought or looked at for sale.
I see on sites like aliexpress ones which say 200,000 mW... is that even possible?

200,000mW = 200W.
Let's say that diode is 50% efficient, that means you need 400W of input power, and it generates 200W of heat.
200W of heat being dissipated through a host like that is enough to give you a nasty burn.
Or, if that doesn't make sense, 400W of input power is about 100A being drawn from a fully charged lithium cell.

Definitely not possible :)

I wish sellers would quote those specs.

I haven't seen either power density (W/mm^2) or beam divergence (mRad) specified for any lasers I've either bought or looked at for sale.

Power density depends on two things, output power and beam size. The output power is usually stated, but you will be guessing on how tightly you can focus the beam.
mRad is stated from a fair number of sellers, but take it with a grain of salt. Even though all it requires is a ruler to take the measurement it is usually the most inaccurate spec when buying a laser. (in my experience)
Totally buy it. I would, but I can't handle that kind of power. I believe in you.
From what I remember here, I think somebody did a pretty nice 'pointer' with 3 9mm 445nm cans .. it hit almost 10 watts. It was huge of course, but it was handheld, and it was flashlight shape (custom host IIRC) .. bordering term 'pointer'. Can't remember battery type.
But that was really something. You can't get much more in handheld package ..

Sites not understanding power or plainly lying about it are nothing new. I've seen megawatt pointers for $20.
The issue for comparing these things is that all you see are advertised specs, which are almost 100 % bogus.

Example: One might be advertised as 100 mw, and another as 200 mw, and the 200 mw is really 50 mw, and the 100 mw is really 75 mw, etc...so the "100 mw "is stronger than the "200 mw" in real life.

But you see a price, and "spec" and assume that the 200 mw must be better than the 100 mw, even if they are both lying, and yet, the MORE HONEST spec (Exaggerated the least) might be the one you pass up to get the least honest one.

IE: Its a crap shoot.
Another example of sales hype (out and out lying) to pull in suckers. Don't believe the hype.
People here will guide you right. Do your research and get the facts. Cheap laser are just that,
cheap, not worth your time or money. Build a quality laser your self, you will be way better off for
the experience.
Those posts were an attempt at humor or sarcasm to a ridiculous claim.
Sometimes you have to read between the lines. :>)
