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Big Fat Warning for yotang.com

Aug 3, 2009

I have finally placed an order from yotang.com for a customer wanting a specific pointer. 200mW Strong Green Laser Burning Pointer with Key

He got it immediately after receiving it. He measured it in his LPM (thermophile sensor, green + IR). And it turned out to be a 60-70mW pointer.

Now he wants me to send it back. Obviously I think this too. Yotang has been causing problems discussing that it's "for sure 200mW because it can light matches!" (which he by the way can not with this unit :)).

We have recorded a 10 minute video for them proving that we cannot.

We have argued that it measures peak 70mW in an LPM.

And they keep arguing that it's 200mW! They refuse to just give you a good service and pay for return shipment and refund or replace!

They disregard any proof you send them. And they keep on arguing.

So this is a big fat warning for yotang.


While it won't help you, overstating the power of hi-power green lasers seems to be the industry standard... they're known to vary a lot due to their complex way of generating laser light. For that price ($76) you can't really expect more.
While it won't help you, overstating the power of hi-power green lasers seems to be the industry standard... they're known to vary a lot due to their complex way of generating laser light. For that price ($76) you can't really expect more.

Aware of all the above!

But! Perhaps not a 200mW pointer. But people have measured FocalPrice pointers at below $20 as better. So I rather take 4 chance buys on those rather than paying $88 (incl shipping) for that crap ;)

And I actually do expect some form of acknowledgeable support from them.

I think it's a warranted warning to issue.

Other (better) companies admit their wrong and allow a send back and/or a refund. They don't send mails for 3 days arguing.

Well, to play the devil's advocate, the lasers are specified to be less than the rated mW rating, not over it (unless explicitly stated). Plus, it's a Chinese wholesaler in Hong Kong selling a $86 "200mW" laser. What can you really expect?
Well, to play the devil's advocate, the lasers are specified to be less than the rated mW rating, not over it (unless explicitly stated). Plus, it's a Chinese wholesaler in Hong Kong selling a $86 "200mW" laser. What can you really expect?

Heh. Stop bashing. Seriously.

I am giving you a solid correct tip not to buy stuff from this company. Take it for exactly what it is. It's a recommendation for you not to purchase things from there unless you want a hell for support.
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Heh. Stop bashing. Seriously.

I am giving you a solid correct tip not to buy stuff from this company. Take it for exactly what it is. It's a recommendation for you not to purchase things from there unless you want a hell for support.

You deserve it. We all warned you..

What the hell did you expect? Now you cry cause you got burnt. Well BOO HOO. Next time listen to people who know what they are talking about.

Your giving us the tip huh? Freakn' noob....
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I may be immature, but then again Yotang does not have my money...so I guess its better than being a fool.
You deserve it. We all warned you..

What the hell did you expect? Now you cry cause you got burnt. Well BOO HOO. Next time listen to people who know what they are talking about.

Your giving us the tip huh? Freakn' noob....

You beat me to it. Not even kidding I had just looked up that old thread tech, was working on the same post. You were warned and you wouldn't listen, you get what you deserve 100% and you even said it your self. When you ship money over seas with whatever payment, and many want you to use a western union transfer. You even risk losing that money from the start.
I maybe immature, but then again Yotang does not have my money...so I guess its better than being a fool.

I just fail to see the point to bash a post in a forum where you freely are to discuss companies and/or their level of service. Which is exactly in the line of the post.

What you are doing saying "what can you expect?" is really 3 steps backwards from the entire purpose.

You should be grateful for any experience shared on this forum. Good or bad.

But that's just what I recon.
You beat me to it. Not even kidding I had just looked up that old thread tech, was working on the same post. You were warned and you wouldn't listen, you get what you deserve 100% and you even said it your self. When you ship money over seas with whatever payment, and many want you to use a western union transfer. You even risk losing that money from the start.

Just for clarification since it seems so very important to you I wouldn't have made a purchase from there unless someone else was specifically asking for this pointer.

I have taken your advice and not ordered anything for myself from there. So, I still do not see the problem/bashing here.

Now while I got the opportunity to actually order something from there, should I rather Not have shared that experience?

Would that have been better?
I just fail to see the point to bash a post in a forum where you freely are to discuss companies and/or their level of service. Which is exactly in the line of the post.

What you are doing saying "what can you expect?" is really 3 steps backwards from the entire purpose.

You should be grateful for any experience shared on this forum. Good or bad.

But that's just what I recon.

I'm bashing you, not the post...

What's that quote..:thinking: "A Fool And His Money...

And no..I would not have admitted getting ripped off when others told me I would.
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I'm bashing you, not the post....

And did it make you feel good? Did it satisfy you? If so; you're welcome! :-) I could not be happier for you!

Lets hope that atleast the number of replies to the thread will make others read the thread & not to consider purchasing from there. Which was the purpose of the post. If I have succeeded with that then I really don't care what you think and say about me personally.

Unlike your apparent motivation for posting I take joy if I can help atleast someone.
:crackup::crackup:...stop....please...I cant take it anymore!!:crackup::crackup:

Thanks for that Hi-rez Rofl T_J. It's the first time I have had the oppurtunity to see it LOL.

To the OP, sorry about you loss dude. Learning curve is steep around these parts.
