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100 mW kaleidoscopic pen: rayfoss or FP ?


Jan 4, 2010
i want a 100 mW kaleidoscopic pen (open-back).
should i buy it for 55$ at rayfoss or for 20$ at FocalPrice ?

they look the same, but are they really the same ?
(if i get only a 70mW for 20$ it's fine)

the one from rayfoss should be at least up-to-spec, at FP there's no output pwr guaranty
I would go for the 20$ Focalprice one + adding a 50mW red star pointer for another 16$.
so, i bought 3 lasers at FP. instead of one of the lasers they sent me a crappy 2$ flashlight...

and the kaleidoscopic 100mW seems to be more like 15mW, if i compare it to my ancient 10mW green laser (but maybe my 10mW is overspec, who knows ? )
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it is said "Temporarily unable to submit RMA Request!" (even if i try to send a "my message" )

i will retry later
They do that to people all the time. I have had it happen to me 3 times from them. Also none of their "100mW" green lasers come close to 100mW.
yes i knew that it would be underspec, but i hopped it will be at least 40mW.
(but maybe it is, i don't really know)

otherwise the 3rd 3$ red laser keychain is fine. i will post a review

I believe it will be up 40mw, maybe more than 60mw, of course you can never expect it will be real 100, for it's only $20,
Temporarily unable to submit RMA Request
it may result from the 7-day national holiday , and now you may have a try for the holidy is over
I believe it will be up 40mw, maybe more than 60mw, of course you can never expect it will be real 100, for it's only $20,

I have to say John that is not a good response to hear. Of course he should display his displeasure with them not delivering on what they promised. So by what you are saying people should know better than to expect what they are being sold is as it was described to them.:(

I don't know if you sell that particular laser but I would hope this is not what you would say to someone that buys your 200mW keychain that we discussed earlier if they come back to you saying it is 80mW. It is a great laser for $30 and I have two that I love to play with but even when shown that all the ones that we have tested here have been between 80-130mW you still replied back to say they have an average of 150mW. Ok even if 150mW was the average why not update the description to 150mW Keychain laser? Does it not sell as well that way.:thinking:

Please don't take this as an attack. I would love for you to make it onto one of our trusted retailers list. Just want to give some helpful suggestions that will take you there.;)
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I have to say John that is not a good response to hear. Of course he should display his displeasure with them not delivering on what they promised. So by what you are saying people should know better than to expect what they are being sold is as it was described to them.:(

I don't know if you sell that particular laser but I would hope this is not what you would say to someone that buys your 200mW keychain that we discussed earlier if they come back to you saying it is 80mW. It is a great laser for $30 and I have two that I love to play with but even when shown that all the ones that we have tested here have been between 80-130mW you still replied back to say they have an average of 150mW. Ok even if 150mW was the average why not update the description to 150mW Keychain laser? Does it not sell as well that way.:thinking:

Please don't take this as an attack. I would love for you to make it onto one of our trusted retailers list. Just want to give some helpful suggestions that will take you there.;)

Sorry, DTR,
there must be some misunderstanding. Maybe it is because of my unclear description. What I mean is that a laser only $20 won't be real 100 mw, even if it claimed to. Of course, I am truly agree with you customers have the right to know about the real outout of products. But now the truth is many chinese companies can't make sure there lasers' output. This is not fair for customers. To tell you the truth, priceangels is one of those stores, and I have make my decision to change it.
These days I am thinking of to get a LPM and test all of my lasers, then put the accurate output at my website. Though I am a shopping center owner, but I always stand by customers. A company consider interet more than customers' wish will be forgotten.

Thanks for you remind! I've made a mistake, sorry
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Sorry, DTR,
there must be some misunderstanding. Maybe it is because of my unclear description. What I mean is that a laser only $20 won't be real 100 mw, even if it claimed to. Of course, I am truly agree with you customers have the right to know about the real outout of products. But now the truth is many chinese companies can't make sure there lasers' output. This is not fair for customers. To tell you the truth, priceangels is one of those stores, and I have make my decision to change it.
These days I am thinking of to get a LPM and test all of my lasers, then put the accurate output at my website. Though I am a shopping center owner, but I always stand by customers. A company consider interet more than customers' wish will be forgotten.

Thanks for you remind! I've made a mistake, sorry

You have made great strides in trying to reach out to this forum. That is appreciated as is you willingness to discuss the harder subjects without getting defensive. That goes a long way in my book. Also If you were to get an LPM and maybe even put some comments in you descriptions of what some random testing has shown that would move you to the top of the list as far as the DX DT FP style sites go.;)

If you get a chance read this thread. It is a how not to guide for customer relations. This guy handled the hard questions in the worst possible way.

Anyway this is on the borderline of a threadjacking. Back to the Kaleidoscopic pen.
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i bought 3 lasers at FP. instead of one of the lasers they sent me a crappy 2$ flashlight...

and the kaleidoscopic 100mW seems to be more like 15mW, if i compare it to my ancient 10mW green laser (but maybe my 10mW is overspec, who knows ? )

last news:
It has been hard to contact them. they have not replied to my emails. in fact i had to confirm my email address before i could make a RMA request.
I asked them to resend for free the correct item, and to give me a 10$ refund to cover the difference of price between a 20$ 100mW pointer and a 10$ 10mW pointer.

They accepted without problem, so maybe they were ready to give me even more money ??
for the moment nothing is done, let's wait...

EDIT: got the refund
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