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Is This A Good Deal?

If everything works it is a pretty good deal.
Go for it.

If everything works it is a pretty good deal.
Go for it.

My only concern is the age of the laser, and it was one of the first models, so if it breaks, Jack cant fix it... unless i pay more than the laser is worth... Eg a repair would cost in excess of $400, and thats what i payed...soo that would mean i spent $800 and could have bought a new RPL 260 in sweet silver!!!
Well then you really don't care what we have to say do you? This is your decision and it seems you are just going to go with whatever you think up yourself so why create a thread asking for advice?
Well there might be something that could change his mind. Personally I'd pay for a new one, or buy in our CNI group buy (you can get a hercules laser for cheaper you know)

Or you could always wait and see if Scope Guy is doing a Viasho group buy and you could get an RPL for cheap, granted without the help from this Jack and the quality assurance
Or he could just do some research himself instead of asking FOR THE THIRD TIME for others to decide for him, only to ignore everything they say.
:tsk: :mad:


EDIT: Make that FIVE times you have started a thread asking people for advice on the same thing, each time not having done a shred of research yourself and ignoring all advice.
You are even a liar as you clearly claim to have already purchased the laser in your 6th thread which is about getting a sticker for it.

"Its used and i got it for $400!!!!!!!!!!
i saw that and was like--->:sold:"

Right.. Pull yourself together.
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Or he could just do some research himself instead of asking FOR THE THIRD TIME for others to decide for him, only to ignore everything they say.
:tsk: :mad:


EDIT: Make that FIVE times you have started a thread asking people for advice on the same thing, each time not having done a shred of research yourself and ignoring all advice.
You are even a liar as you clearly claim to have already purchased the laser in your 6th thread which is about getting a sticker for it.

"Its used and i got it for $400!!!!!!!!!!
i saw that and was like--->:sold:"

Right.. Pull yourself together.
not a liar..Im in the process of waiting for him to recive my paypal info...its allready boxed up and ready, im just wondering if i got a good deal, or should have waited to get a new version...

and also.. go back and look at my posts.. a few are similar, but not even close to 5 posts saying the same thing....
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So your thread is asking people if the laser you have purchased anyway was a good buy? This just gets better and better..

Well here are each of your threads:

1) "Hi, which is better looking?
RPL silver
RPL Black:thinking:"

2) "I will be buying a RPL 260 in the next few weeks, any tips for the newb? "

3) "Hello does anybody know if the O-Like 350-400mW is good??????
Is an RPL 260 better>???? "

4) "Does anybody know where i can get a laser safty sticker for my RPL 260???


5) "Hello, will you help the stupid newb (Me) decide on which laser to get?
Should i get an RPL-260, or a Hulk Ultra 300???:thinking:"

6) (this thread)
"ok, i found this guy selling his 3 year old RPL-260 with 7hrs of use, adjustible tail cap, batterie, charger, case, and goggles for $480. ($80 Is shipping from Norway to me)
lemme know what you guys think!!!


To me those look very very similar, and the point is that NONE OF THEM WERE NECESSARY. Every single one is a matter of doing a bit of research yourself or a simple matter of opinion (where you seem to disregard other's opinions anyway).

Get your act together and read instead of littering the forum with your stupid questions.
So your thread is asking people if the laser you have purchased anyway was a good buy? This just gets better and better..

Well here are each of your threads:

1) "Hi, which is better looking?
RPL silver
RPL Black:thinking:"

2) "I will be buying a RPL 260 in the next few weeks, any tips for the newb? "

3) "Hello does anybody know if the O-Like 350-400mW is good??????
Is an RPL 260 better>???? "

4) "Does anybody know where i can get a laser safty sticker for my RPL 260???


5) "Hello, will you help the stupid newb (Me) decide on which laser to get?
Should i get an RPL-260, or a Hulk Ultra 300???:thinking:"

6) (this thread)
"ok, i found this guy selling his 3 year old RPL-260 with 7hrs of use, adjustible tail cap, batterie, charger, case, and goggles for $480. ($80 Is shipping from Norway to me)
lemme know what you guys think!!!


To me those look very very similar, and the point is that NONE OF THEM WERE NECESSARY. Every single one is a matter of doing a bit of research yourself or a simple matter of opinion (where you seem to disregard other's opinions anyway).

Get your act together and read instead of littering the forum with your stupid questions.
HaHa funny, now just like i said, they are SIMILAR not SAME!!!
Im just asking questions, and getting advice. people like you who go arround picking on the newbs should just leave...and if i dident care about opinions why would i bother posting??? Jaseth-BUG OFF and quit trying to bring up fights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaseth, some I admit weren't needed, definately!

but things like this 3) "Hello does anybody know if the O-Like 350-400mW is good??????
Is an RPL 260 better>???? "

4) "Does anybody know where i can get a laser safty sticker for my RPL 260???

I searched similar things also and found nothing

this is just a question? some opinion I gues syou could search but his thread didn't seem stupid

1) "Hi, which is better looking?
RPL silver
RPL Black"

The other threads are a bit iffy, Hell I'm probably worse though, Just excited. LPF is still growing and in the future all of these questions will be answered 5 times over than the search button should be more effective
Similar or same, they are still a complete waste of forum space.
You are asking questions about things which have already been answered ALL OVER THE FORUM.
How do you think the rest of us decide on buying something? We read reviews and compare prices and specs, deciding what we need and which seems best.
You are lazy and want everyone else to waste their time doing your work for you.

I am not picking up a fight, I am simply explaining to you that your way of using the forum is wrong and looked down upon. Several people have been talking about the types of posts you are making and how they are destroying the forum and we need Mods to get rid of them. Just take it like a man and do some research before posting future threads.

Both those products have already been reviewed on the forum
There are several people who sell warning stickers on the forum and if you want a specific RPL one, ask the provider.. how difficult can it be?
Asking about the preferred colour of an RPL might be ok, but it is still about as low a level of contribution as you can get.

LPF is growing and the quality is RAPIDLY decreasing. Old members have already left and it seems others are debating whether to follow soon.

If people cannot find something which has been answered 2-3 times, how will 5 times make it any better?
Ok but there are not many if any people selling actual stickers... as for asking jack for one i allready have and he said he couldent. as for 6 posts with the same thing not even close....
how have i lied??? i was confused and needed help, you did help a bit and i thank you for that, but serousley do you need to ding my rep for being a newb who is confused???
ok? over and done right???
I would personally buy a new one, but if your happy with that price then go for it!
