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FrozenGate by Avery

A typo or a lie?

Jun 19, 2009
I'm not sure if you saw potatorages' sale thread for a Viasho portable or not (http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/fs-250mw-viasho-portable-laser-50380.html), so here's the skinny: "Up for sale is a 250mW Viasho Portable laser. It is VERY similar to the RPL, and has all the required safety features. Nominal output is 250mW,and I was able to burn paper and cardboard with this."

And browsing eBay, I came across this: High Power Burning Night Vision Green Laser DPSS 532nm - eBay (item 270578250601 end time May-19-10 15:27:17 PDT)

Same pictures, same town, same seller as a WL Sonar a while back, that when I posted, claimed as his being sold. In the eBay listing he says: "Up for sale is a Viasho Portable Laser. The output power, as measured by a meter is Peak 620mw Sustained 370mW"

I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt, but either he made a major typo or it's a blatant lie, and I do NOT like liars. I realize this is probably going to cause controversy, but the truth needs to be told.
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He can pad bids that way. You can see a (0) in his bid list. Someone should turn him in.
It would be interesting to hear potato's version of this first.
PM me for details about the output. Thanks.
As for the other account, I never use it. Hence the 0 feedback rating.
I do not pad bids.
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Guys... did any one bother to read the specs? I think it was a "typo" as per say, but not exactly a typo... if you see what I'm getting at...


Wavelength (nm) 532
Output Power (mW) 250

Bit dodgy to me...
What about potatorage2 ( eBay My World - boobtacos ) which redirects to a user called "boobtacos" (maybe he changed name?).

That user has 6 feedbacks, 5 of them from the same seller, the seller that sells the Viasho. eBay My World - cheapdsgames .

View attachment 26904

You got some explaining to do. :tsk:


That is both against eBay's rules and VERY unethical (especially in light of your earlier proclamation).

Additional deception to try to cover an earlier deception compounds any problem. Once could be a simple lapse in judgement. Twice to intentioanlly cover the first destroys your credibilty

Well, this morning brought a message from potato, apologizing, saying where he had gotten his specifications at, which was http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/argon-hene-dpss-lasers-sale-47737.html#post648099]here, and offering to remove the listing. I told him I had no control over his actions, but that it would probably be in the best interest to remove the listing on eBay. I should have added that he should consider sending the laser to someone to get metered so we can finally be 100% sure as to the power of this laser.
Wow that is extremely shady. The worst part is that it's extremely shady done by someone that knows better! There is no excuse when you are an enthusiast and actually know all about the item. Thanks for posting this information everyone.
I think the line:

I'm deciding whether to go into hiding or pay up. What could possibly go wrong if I just disappear forever?

when confronted about a previous incident shows you everything you need to know about this guy's attitude and morals.

EDIT: and presents a strong case for keeping all information alive and unedited, too.
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Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is bid padding?

besides the misleading laser output, what else is shady about this? Maybe I don't entirely understand the multiple eBay account thing.

I believe in a fair trial, and I would like to hear potatorage's side of this story.
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