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Well, the guys been an arse about the whole issue so i will post all i can, except addresses and very personal info.
Heres a thread to get an idea of what im talking about:
The guy is Potatorage.
I suggest that NOONE deals with this person, he is DISHONEST, USELESS and a SCAM. Heres all the PMs etc from 9months in order (Scroll down if u cant be bothered reading the MASS of text
02-21-2009, 03:02 PM
The Viper
I'd love to do any work and clean the Viper, for only the
shipping charges-- I might even buy it
02-21-2009, 07:32 PM
Re: The Viper
Cool, where are you from?
02-21-2009, 07:34 PM
Class 3R Laser
potatorage's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,033
Rep Power: 11
Default Re: The Viper
I'm in the united states-- is that ok?
02-21-2009, 08:42 PM
Class 2 Laser
Default Re: The Viper
Ah, UK was preferable so i dont have to wait weeks lol BUT if ur
planning on buying it also, then i dont really see a problem. If
you do want to buy it, then ill send it to you, but if you dont
and nobody can do it in the UK, then ill send it to you.
I expect you would like a reading etc before purchase? If its
what your looking for, what would be your maximum price?
Heres a few pics i took a few weeks back:
Post two is the laser im selling. It works fine, just the fog
might put some people off, but its not that noticeable unless you
actually look at it close up.
The lens will need focusing to burn i believe, although i havnt
really tried that, i just focused it for the best dot close range
and distance. Its easy to focus too.
02-21-2009, 09:03 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I would like to do a reading before I buy it, and if it is good I
can pay about ~$150, let me know if that is ok, it really just
depends on what you want for it... And also: If my price is not
reasonable for you, I can ship it directly to the buyer
02-22-2009, 11:02 PM
Default Re: The Viper
That sounds ok, I havnt had any offers except yours and Daguin.
Whats your address? ill send it out tomorrow recorded so you can
test and cleanup etc if u still want to ;D. Also, if you have
paypal ill transfer the return shipping costs onto you if you
know them? Cheers
02-23-2009, 02:32 AM
Default Re: The Viper
MY address is
Bowen he,
As for the return shipping, I will get a paypal account soon, so
you can pay me in a bit. Or: You can just print out the
postage(via paypal) and scan it, and I'll ship it to the buyer,
or it may not be necessary if I buy it
02-23-2009, 05:35 PM
Class 2 Laser
Default Re: The Viper
I posted the laser to you this morning
03-04-2009, 07:14 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hi mate,
Any sign of it yet? ;D
03-04-2009, 11:48 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Nope, haven't gotten it yet
what kind of mail did you send it
03-05-2009, 12:48 AM
Default Re: The Viper
International Signed for via Royal Mail. Heres the tracking:
Or tracking page:
Taking its time for priority lol
03-06-2009, 12:17 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Lol, it is. I checked it via usps.com (united states) and it has
arrived like 1-2 weeks ago.
Label/Receipt Number: RI93 5613 493G B
Associated Label/Receipt:
Detailed Results:
Bullet Inbound International Arrival, February 24, 2009, 7:08 pm,
Bullet Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
USPS is slow sometimes, hope it gets here soon!
03-09-2009, 10:55 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Anything yet mate? lol
03-09-2009, 10:56 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Yeah, I got the slip telling me it is at the post office-- I will
go get it eventually
03-10-2009, 12:09 AM
Default Re: The Viper
;D ok cool, let me know how it is
03-14-2009, 01:50 AM
Default Re: The Viper
got it today... seems to be like 5mW with fresh batteries...
03-14-2009, 10:34 AM
Default Re: The Viper
5mW? I know it looks dim at first, but i found that if you warmed
it up alittle it would go really bright. Hold it in your palm for
a while it will look stronger These are some pics of the laser
itself, surely that cant be 5mW :-?:
Second post.
Try warming it up and test it lol ;D
romeo02045 is online now Forward Message
03-16-2009, 07:19 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I tried warming it up, no luck-- the output is still not so good
03-16-2009, 07:46 PM
Default Re: The Viper
:-? Very strange. What batteries are you using? The ones i used
in the "shots" are Duracell Ultra M3. Try a selection
and make sure the spring etc inside isnt touching the edge. Its
wierd how it outputs ok for me and not for you
03-16-2009, 07:57 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I tried using enegizer lithiums and a 10440 with spacer, still
the output was bad.
03-16-2009, 07:59 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hmm, Can you clean the lens up? and maybe get a power reading for
about 1-3minutes? If it does nothing within the 3 minutes then i
think we may have to just ship it back lol :-[ Shame its not
giving anything for you atm though :
03-20-2009, 02:30 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hmm, I tried cleaning the lens on it, but it seems like stuff got
between the two lenses o.0
I left it on for about 5 mins-- got very warm but still not good
output, maybe you can send it to dragonlasers for a repair?
03-26-2009, 10:01 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Did you manage to clean and run a test on the viper? :-?
03-27-2009, 01:40 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hi, I disassembled your viper lens assembly and I found the
problem. Your lens seems to be scratched or really dirty. I have
no idea how to fix it
I can ship it back to you if you pay
shipping costs ;D Also: I think your diode is broken, and that is
why it is not outputting very much. I THINK I can replace it--
but it is your choice whether you want me to send back or wait.
03-27-2009, 02:34 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Wait for what? lol Hmm, If you can repair the diode, would you
want to buy it? OR would you buy it now and repair it in your own
time? IF you repair it what kind of output will it give? Which
diode will you use etc. Also how much would shipping cost back to
the UK?
You say you THINK you can repair it, but do you have any
experience in doing so? IF it breaks, whos liable? :-? Cheers!
04-02-2009, 02:42 AM
Default Re: The Viper
I'm not too confident in repairing the laser, but I'd be happy to
send it back to you
Shipping will not be too much, like $2-3 but it is not tracked
and not guaranteed. You can consult usps.com for rates, but I
think tracked is like $10
04-19-2009, 10:47 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hi mate
Sorry about the VERY late reply lol. If you could send it back to
my address:
John *****
That would be great. Also give me your paypal info and postage
costs and ill send it right over
04-21-2009, 01:33 AM
Default Re: The Viper
untracked shipping is like $4, priority shipping is like $13,
tell me what you want
04-21-2009, 01:41 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Tracked would be best mate Let me know your paypal and ill send
it right over. Cheers
04-21-2009, 02:04 AM
Default Re: The Viper
ok, please send $14 to potatorageREMOVEDcom-- it will cover the
shipping cost and the paypal fee, also, you want it back
disassembled or not-- since to repair it requires a half of a
cmount diode, I will be getting those soon
04-21-2009, 10:47 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hmm, Would you be able to repair it with the Cmount? or are u
still not sure if u want to? lol. How much do they cost for parts
I wouldnt know what im doing with it dissasembled so i think it
would be best assembled - i have a tendancy to mess around with
stuff i can see ;D. Thats if you really dont fancy repairing it
04-21-2009, 02:11 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I think I'll be able to, it seems like an easy repair-- The 500mW
cmount is like $30, I'll tell you when I get it
04-21-2009, 03:24 PM
Default Re: The Viper
$30? i can get them for $18 each lol, but the shipping is heavy
with my supplier so best off to order when u buy something else
too :
05-28-2009, 05:18 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hello, I am curently assembling the laser, you can either send me
a half watt cmount or i can just send it back to you-- it is $15
for priority tracked shipping.
06-02-2009, 05:37 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, I just got a sticker back on your prism saying insufficient
postage -.- Sorry! I'll send it with your VIPER-- I am currently
putting it back together, it might take a while since the module
is currently stuck
Please send payment to
potatorage2@gmail.com or you can print out a prepaid label using
the shipper of your choice and email it to me. Thanks!
06-02-2009, 05:58 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I don't think I damaged it-- Ya know-- It just got stuck
I'm working to get it out
06-02-2009, 06:17 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I have no idea-- It should just slide out
06-26-2009, 02:32 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I'm still working on it, and I think it'll fit, but not sure
about the driver. I bet you could make a nice IR pen with this,
but 2W would saturate the crystals and cause total hell.
06-28-2009, 12:34 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, almost have it assembled. But... I lost the button, So I'll
need to contact CNI for a new one. Sorry for the inconvience
06-28-2009, 04:48 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Uh, I had that laser sitting around for a while. Right now, it is
in 4 pieces =/
07-06-2009, 03:50 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Originally Posted by romeo02045
Hey man,
Any news? Cheers
Originally Posted by potatorage
Uh, I had that laser sitting around for a while. Right now, it is
in 4 pieces =/
Still awaiting response from dragon lasers/cni
07-13-2009, 09:11 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, I haven't gotten a response from dragon lasers or CNi, maybe
you could try contacting them as well?
07-13-2009, 10:10 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I think some people might have an extra one, but just ask
cni/dragonlasers for a new button. I don't think they'll give me
one because Idon't have the receipt,etc
08-19-2009, 11:14 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Ok I found a button. I'm currently assembling your laser, It'll
be soon before you get it.
08-20-2009, 03:03 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, did you send a case with the laseR? Also: I lost the gold
ring, I'll try to find it.
08-20-2009, 03:10 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Well, small parts are easy to lose. I'll send your laser back in
a case, I don't have any metal cases so I'll try to find the best
08-26-2009, 03:36 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, Last confirmation before i ship it out, it is ok if the ring
is missing when I ship it right?
Romeo02045 - 09 / 11 / 2009
I received the laser this morning and i dont really know where to
begin...Ill just make a list and then a rant:
1 - Button doesnt work - wont click down on the clicky switch
2 - Laser doesnt work - it did when i sent it out for "Repairs".
3 - Missing ring - Discussed, but still hard to LOSE after you
already lost the button.
4 - battery compartment end SQUASHED out of shape then
"reshaped"...kinda looks like a childs first O in school.
5 - scuffs and marks around the button "hole"
6 - Lens wasnt even fitted in correctly, removed the end gold tab
and the lens fixture fell out...
Seriously, i dont know what the hells gone on with it, but it was
supposed to have been CHECKED and repaired if the price was
acceptable. Not butchered, thrown around, lost and broken. Please
explain whats gone on and what you intend to do about it. I can
post pics of before and after publicly if i need to. Prism is
bigger than i expected, but is very nice.
Default Re: The Viper
Ok, Please try be reasonable. I don't have much money and
honestly, I don't think a broken 80mW greenie is worth anything
near that amount.
Sent 18th sept
I am being reasonable. A manufactured rating of 125mW from dragon
lasers (Online order price now at Price:US$299.99), which i said
LOOKED over 80mW just from my perspective even when under
performing. You yourself "valued it" unseen to be $150 (only
AFTER it being fixed / cleaned up as i requested) and then
destroyed it, not just the insides, but the host aswell... I
believe $100 is pretty reasonable, dont you? Like i have asked
three times, what do you have to offer?
Yesterday, 12:01 AM
Default Re: The Viper
When it reached me it was putting out 5mW at most. I would not
have destroyed an 80mW laser.
sent 19th sept
Hi mate,
Some replies have come in and i would agree with Daguin, although
i know the full $150 is alittle too much, which is why either two
lenses OR a cheaper option of $100 should suffice. I shall give
you one week to decide and send your choice to me. If you need my
postal address or paypal address just ask. Thanks
Yesterday, 12:01 AM
Default Re: The Viper
When it reached me it was putting out 5mW at most. I would not
have destroyed an 80mW laser.
sent 20th sept
So basically what your saying is, you fucked my laser after
saying you can clean it up, then you offer me something thats not
even worth the postage cost it would be to get it here, then say
you dont give a shit what you did so your doing a runner?
Wow...Jake comes into mind.
Im sure you have something better than defraction gratings and
mirrors to offer me. How old are you? just out of interest. You
dont seem to understand that you destroyed my property and think
its a joke and that you can just walk away from it
. I can take
it further than PMs...please dont make me do so - not a threat,
just something you should think about
Yesterday, 12:26 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Ok sounds good. I'll take the responses into consideration.
Yesterday, 02:30 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Sorry, I can not pay that amount of money, I simply do not have
that much in my paypal account. You can feel free to share this
experience with others, I just ask that you do not reveal my
address. Thanks!
Today, 01:22 AM
Default Re: The Viper
um, I have a diffraction grating sheet, it's like 8.5x11 inches,
13500 lines/inch + a lot of front surface mirrors
Today, 05:37 AM
Default Re: The Viper
I'm being completely honest with you-- I'm offering you what I am
willing to compensate you for. IF you decide to trash my
reputation, go ahead and do so-- this forum has turned into a
piece of shit; I think it's time for a change.
Today, 02:31 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I think the disagreement here is what your laser was worth AFTER
you sent it.
20th sept
The laser worked fine for me, after it heated alittle, which is
the whole point in me sending it to you to get cleaned up. It
would be easier to sell if it started up full power straight
away...but now its totalled. I dont think you understand this at
all. The laser would work fine after a cleanup, but it was
broken...now im looking for compensation for it.
Some dudes selling defraction gratings for $1.50 per square inch,
and another persons offering $18 for LARGE front surface mirrors,
why would i accept that as compensation for a $150 laser? (Value
offered by yourself from pics given). Ive already lowered it for
you to $100 to make it easier.
Like i said, offer me something of value (Another laser maybe?
Laser parts? cash?) Anything that would suffice...dont take the
piss with very low value and useless objects
. Im sick of
asking now to be honest, dont make me get "Debt collectors"
, they can be somewhat harsh and bump the amount owed
up alittle. Im a nice guy, im being VERY calm and cautious with
my words and actions PLUS im making it easier on you...dont take
liberties. Again, how old are you?
Today, 04:55 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Let me make this clear: The laser you sent me was 5mW. I let it
warm up or whatever, and it was still only 5mW. I tested it on my
meter, it was 5mW. I even used those really expensive batteries.
I will not compensate you for an 80mW laser, that just isn't
going happen. I will, however compensate you for a 5mW laser. I
don't take threats very well, and plus, I'm under 18.
By the way, do you have a power meter reading for your laser?
20th sept
Your under 18? and you thought you could clean up and repair my
$300 laser? well, that explains why you dont seem to give a shit.
The pictures of the beam and dot show its OVER 5mW, the laser was
sent to you to clean the diodes lens so that it could output its
full potential without having to be heated first. What made you
think you could do this?
Even if it was outputting 5mW, you still DESTROYED my $300 laser,
which is now completely useless...why did you think you could
just destroy it and think nothing of it? you even sent it back to
me knowing it was broken and didnt even think id mind? You didnt
even tell me it was broken...
If your under 18, then your probably living with your parents /
guardian...I suggest you inform them of whats going on - ill get
compensation of some sort one way or another...and no, im not
threatening you, nor have I. Like i said, i choose my words
I dont have a power meter reading, this is another reason i sent
it to you so it would be cleaned, metered and easier for me to
Today, 06:15 PM
Default Re: The Viper
um, I tried to find out what was wrong and ran into a few
problems. Your laser is not, and was not worth anywhere near
$300. I did meter it. 5mW. I'm sorry I broke it, I'll go buy you
a new 5mW CNI pen style laser if that makes you happy.
20th sept
Well obviously not, i can get cni styles pretty cheap from my
supplier, which is where REMOVED got his batch from. The dragon
viper 125mW cost me over $300, its for sale on their site now for
$299. You offered $150 for it and im letting you off with just
having to compensate $100 for it - i told u im a nice guy...
It only output 5mW due to some crap on the diode lens, which is
what you needed to clean off in the first place, and you said you
could do it. If you told me you were under 18, i wouldnt have
sent it. Ive said this many times, the pics clearly show its over
5mW, its now dead, broken and mis-shaped. Stop going round in
circles with me, im not going to go away
. As far as i see it,
you owe me up to $100 in either cash or items. Im being fair by
giving you one week (From Saturday) to come up with something.
After that, i have a multiple choice to make on how i can
retrieve it myself
Today, 07:32 PM
Default Re: The Viper
ok. crap on a lens is not going to account for over a 1000% loss
in power. Do what you must, I am not going to compensate you for
more than what a 5mW is worth. You will not receive any more PMs
from me. Tell me if you want to accept my offer.
20th sept
Ok, u want it the hard way? Let me know if u want me to scrap the
6 days left and i will. Ill start a thread now just to get the
ball rolling
Sorry thats a very long list, but sums up whats going on here...like i said, hes an immature scam who wont accept responsibility, even after destroying somebody elses property. Do not trade or deal with him.
Heres a thread to get an idea of what im talking about:
The guy is Potatorage.
I suggest that NOONE deals with this person, he is DISHONEST, USELESS and a SCAM. Heres all the PMs etc from 9months in order (Scroll down if u cant be bothered reading the MASS of text

02-21-2009, 03:02 PM
The Viper
I'd love to do any work and clean the Viper, for only the
shipping charges-- I might even buy it
02-21-2009, 07:32 PM
Re: The Viper
Cool, where are you from?
02-21-2009, 07:34 PM
Class 3R Laser
potatorage's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,033
Rep Power: 11
Default Re: The Viper
I'm in the united states-- is that ok?
02-21-2009, 08:42 PM
Class 2 Laser
Default Re: The Viper
Ah, UK was preferable so i dont have to wait weeks lol BUT if ur
planning on buying it also, then i dont really see a problem. If
you do want to buy it, then ill send it to you, but if you dont
and nobody can do it in the UK, then ill send it to you.
I expect you would like a reading etc before purchase? If its
what your looking for, what would be your maximum price?
Heres a few pics i took a few weeks back:
Post two is the laser im selling. It works fine, just the fog
might put some people off, but its not that noticeable unless you
actually look at it close up.
The lens will need focusing to burn i believe, although i havnt
really tried that, i just focused it for the best dot close range
and distance. Its easy to focus too.
02-21-2009, 09:03 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I would like to do a reading before I buy it, and if it is good I
can pay about ~$150, let me know if that is ok, it really just
depends on what you want for it... And also: If my price is not
reasonable for you, I can ship it directly to the buyer
02-22-2009, 11:02 PM
Default Re: The Viper
That sounds ok, I havnt had any offers except yours and Daguin.
Whats your address? ill send it out tomorrow recorded so you can
test and cleanup etc if u still want to ;D. Also, if you have
paypal ill transfer the return shipping costs onto you if you
know them? Cheers
02-23-2009, 02:32 AM
Default Re: The Viper
MY address is
Bowen he,
As for the return shipping, I will get a paypal account soon, so
you can pay me in a bit. Or: You can just print out the
postage(via paypal) and scan it, and I'll ship it to the buyer,
or it may not be necessary if I buy it
02-23-2009, 05:35 PM
Class 2 Laser
Default Re: The Viper
I posted the laser to you this morning
03-04-2009, 07:14 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hi mate,
Any sign of it yet? ;D
03-04-2009, 11:48 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Nope, haven't gotten it yet

03-05-2009, 12:48 AM
Default Re: The Viper
International Signed for via Royal Mail. Heres the tracking:
Or tracking page:
Taking its time for priority lol
03-06-2009, 12:17 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Lol, it is. I checked it via usps.com (united states) and it has
arrived like 1-2 weeks ago.
Label/Receipt Number: RI93 5613 493G B
Associated Label/Receipt:
Detailed Results:
Bullet Inbound International Arrival, February 24, 2009, 7:08 pm,
Bullet Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
USPS is slow sometimes, hope it gets here soon!
03-09-2009, 10:55 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Anything yet mate? lol
03-09-2009, 10:56 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Yeah, I got the slip telling me it is at the post office-- I will
go get it eventually
03-10-2009, 12:09 AM
Default Re: The Viper
;D ok cool, let me know how it is
03-14-2009, 01:50 AM
Default Re: The Viper
got it today... seems to be like 5mW with fresh batteries...
03-14-2009, 10:34 AM
Default Re: The Viper
5mW? I know it looks dim at first, but i found that if you warmed
it up alittle it would go really bright. Hold it in your palm for
a while it will look stronger These are some pics of the laser
itself, surely that cant be 5mW :-?:
Second post.
Try warming it up and test it lol ;D
romeo02045 is online now Forward Message
03-16-2009, 07:19 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I tried warming it up, no luck-- the output is still not so good
03-16-2009, 07:46 PM
Default Re: The Viper
:-? Very strange. What batteries are you using? The ones i used
in the "shots" are Duracell Ultra M3. Try a selection
and make sure the spring etc inside isnt touching the edge. Its
wierd how it outputs ok for me and not for you
03-16-2009, 07:57 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I tried using enegizer lithiums and a 10440 with spacer, still
the output was bad.
03-16-2009, 07:59 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hmm, Can you clean the lens up? and maybe get a power reading for
about 1-3minutes? If it does nothing within the 3 minutes then i
think we may have to just ship it back lol :-[ Shame its not
giving anything for you atm though :
03-20-2009, 02:30 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hmm, I tried cleaning the lens on it, but it seems like stuff got
between the two lenses o.0
I left it on for about 5 mins-- got very warm but still not good
output, maybe you can send it to dragonlasers for a repair?
03-26-2009, 10:01 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Did you manage to clean and run a test on the viper? :-?
03-27-2009, 01:40 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hi, I disassembled your viper lens assembly and I found the
problem. Your lens seems to be scratched or really dirty. I have
no idea how to fix it

shipping costs ;D Also: I think your diode is broken, and that is
why it is not outputting very much. I THINK I can replace it--
but it is your choice whether you want me to send back or wait.
03-27-2009, 02:34 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Wait for what? lol Hmm, If you can repair the diode, would you
want to buy it? OR would you buy it now and repair it in your own
time? IF you repair it what kind of output will it give? Which
diode will you use etc. Also how much would shipping cost back to
the UK?
You say you THINK you can repair it, but do you have any
experience in doing so? IF it breaks, whos liable? :-? Cheers!
04-02-2009, 02:42 AM
Default Re: The Viper
I'm not too confident in repairing the laser, but I'd be happy to
send it back to you
Shipping will not be too much, like $2-3 but it is not tracked
and not guaranteed. You can consult usps.com for rates, but I
think tracked is like $10
04-19-2009, 10:47 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hi mate
Sorry about the VERY late reply lol. If you could send it back to
my address:
John *****
That would be great. Also give me your paypal info and postage
costs and ill send it right over
04-21-2009, 01:33 AM
Default Re: The Viper
untracked shipping is like $4, priority shipping is like $13,
tell me what you want
04-21-2009, 01:41 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Tracked would be best mate Let me know your paypal and ill send
it right over. Cheers
04-21-2009, 02:04 AM
Default Re: The Viper
ok, please send $14 to potatorageREMOVEDcom-- it will cover the
shipping cost and the paypal fee, also, you want it back
disassembled or not-- since to repair it requires a half of a
cmount diode, I will be getting those soon
04-21-2009, 10:47 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hmm, Would you be able to repair it with the Cmount? or are u
still not sure if u want to? lol. How much do they cost for parts
I wouldnt know what im doing with it dissasembled so i think it
would be best assembled - i have a tendancy to mess around with
stuff i can see ;D. Thats if you really dont fancy repairing it
04-21-2009, 02:11 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I think I'll be able to, it seems like an easy repair-- The 500mW
cmount is like $30, I'll tell you when I get it
04-21-2009, 03:24 PM
Default Re: The Viper
$30? i can get them for $18 each lol, but the shipping is heavy
with my supplier so best off to order when u buy something else
too :
05-28-2009, 05:18 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hello, I am curently assembling the laser, you can either send me
a half watt cmount or i can just send it back to you-- it is $15
for priority tracked shipping.
06-02-2009, 05:37 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, I just got a sticker back on your prism saying insufficient
postage -.- Sorry! I'll send it with your VIPER-- I am currently
putting it back together, it might take a while since the module
is currently stuck

potatorage2@gmail.com or you can print out a prepaid label using
the shipper of your choice and email it to me. Thanks!
06-02-2009, 05:58 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I don't think I damaged it-- Ya know-- It just got stuck

I'm working to get it out
06-02-2009, 06:17 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I have no idea-- It should just slide out

06-26-2009, 02:32 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I'm still working on it, and I think it'll fit, but not sure
about the driver. I bet you could make a nice IR pen with this,
but 2W would saturate the crystals and cause total hell.
06-28-2009, 12:34 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, almost have it assembled. But... I lost the button, So I'll
need to contact CNI for a new one. Sorry for the inconvience
06-28-2009, 04:48 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Uh, I had that laser sitting around for a while. Right now, it is
in 4 pieces =/
07-06-2009, 03:50 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Originally Posted by romeo02045
Hey man,
Any news? Cheers
Originally Posted by potatorage
Uh, I had that laser sitting around for a while. Right now, it is
in 4 pieces =/
Still awaiting response from dragon lasers/cni
07-13-2009, 09:11 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, I haven't gotten a response from dragon lasers or CNi, maybe
you could try contacting them as well?
07-13-2009, 10:10 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I think some people might have an extra one, but just ask
cni/dragonlasers for a new button. I don't think they'll give me
one because Idon't have the receipt,etc
08-19-2009, 11:14 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Ok I found a button. I'm currently assembling your laser, It'll
be soon before you get it.
08-20-2009, 03:03 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, did you send a case with the laseR? Also: I lost the gold
ring, I'll try to find it.
08-20-2009, 03:10 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Well, small parts are easy to lose. I'll send your laser back in
a case, I don't have any metal cases so I'll try to find the best
08-26-2009, 03:36 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Hey, Last confirmation before i ship it out, it is ok if the ring
is missing when I ship it right?
Romeo02045 - 09 / 11 / 2009
I received the laser this morning and i dont really know where to
begin...Ill just make a list and then a rant:
1 - Button doesnt work - wont click down on the clicky switch
2 - Laser doesnt work - it did when i sent it out for "Repairs".
3 - Missing ring - Discussed, but still hard to LOSE after you
already lost the button.
4 - battery compartment end SQUASHED out of shape then
"reshaped"...kinda looks like a childs first O in school.
5 - scuffs and marks around the button "hole"
6 - Lens wasnt even fitted in correctly, removed the end gold tab
and the lens fixture fell out...
Seriously, i dont know what the hells gone on with it, but it was
supposed to have been CHECKED and repaired if the price was
acceptable. Not butchered, thrown around, lost and broken. Please
explain whats gone on and what you intend to do about it. I can
post pics of before and after publicly if i need to. Prism is
bigger than i expected, but is very nice.
Default Re: The Viper
Ok, Please try be reasonable. I don't have much money and
honestly, I don't think a broken 80mW greenie is worth anything
near that amount.
Sent 18th sept
I am being reasonable. A manufactured rating of 125mW from dragon
lasers (Online order price now at Price:US$299.99), which i said
LOOKED over 80mW just from my perspective even when under
performing. You yourself "valued it" unseen to be $150 (only
AFTER it being fixed / cleaned up as i requested) and then
destroyed it, not just the insides, but the host aswell... I
believe $100 is pretty reasonable, dont you? Like i have asked
three times, what do you have to offer?
Yesterday, 12:01 AM
Default Re: The Viper
When it reached me it was putting out 5mW at most. I would not
have destroyed an 80mW laser.
sent 19th sept
Hi mate,
Some replies have come in and i would agree with Daguin, although
i know the full $150 is alittle too much, which is why either two
lenses OR a cheaper option of $100 should suffice. I shall give
you one week to decide and send your choice to me. If you need my
postal address or paypal address just ask. Thanks
Yesterday, 12:01 AM
Default Re: The Viper
When it reached me it was putting out 5mW at most. I would not
have destroyed an 80mW laser.
sent 20th sept
So basically what your saying is, you fucked my laser after
saying you can clean it up, then you offer me something thats not
even worth the postage cost it would be to get it here, then say
you dont give a shit what you did so your doing a runner?
Wow...Jake comes into mind.
Im sure you have something better than defraction gratings and
mirrors to offer me. How old are you? just out of interest. You
dont seem to understand that you destroyed my property and think
its a joke and that you can just walk away from it

it further than PMs...please dont make me do so - not a threat,
just something you should think about

Yesterday, 12:26 AM
Default Re: The Viper
Ok sounds good. I'll take the responses into consideration.
Yesterday, 02:30 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Sorry, I can not pay that amount of money, I simply do not have
that much in my paypal account. You can feel free to share this
experience with others, I just ask that you do not reveal my
address. Thanks!
Today, 01:22 AM
Default Re: The Viper
um, I have a diffraction grating sheet, it's like 8.5x11 inches,
13500 lines/inch + a lot of front surface mirrors
Today, 05:37 AM
Default Re: The Viper
I'm being completely honest with you-- I'm offering you what I am
willing to compensate you for. IF you decide to trash my
reputation, go ahead and do so-- this forum has turned into a
piece of shit; I think it's time for a change.
Today, 02:31 PM
Default Re: The Viper
I think the disagreement here is what your laser was worth AFTER
you sent it.
20th sept
The laser worked fine for me, after it heated alittle, which is
the whole point in me sending it to you to get cleaned up. It
would be easier to sell if it started up full power straight
away...but now its totalled. I dont think you understand this at
all. The laser would work fine after a cleanup, but it was
broken...now im looking for compensation for it.
Some dudes selling defraction gratings for $1.50 per square inch,
and another persons offering $18 for LARGE front surface mirrors,
why would i accept that as compensation for a $150 laser? (Value
offered by yourself from pics given). Ive already lowered it for
you to $100 to make it easier.
Like i said, offer me something of value (Another laser maybe?
Laser parts? cash?) Anything that would suffice...dont take the
piss with very low value and useless objects

asking now to be honest, dont make me get "Debt collectors"

up alittle. Im a nice guy, im being VERY calm and cautious with
my words and actions PLUS im making it easier on you...dont take
liberties. Again, how old are you?
Today, 04:55 PM
Default Re: The Viper
Let me make this clear: The laser you sent me was 5mW. I let it
warm up or whatever, and it was still only 5mW. I tested it on my
meter, it was 5mW. I even used those really expensive batteries.
I will not compensate you for an 80mW laser, that just isn't
going happen. I will, however compensate you for a 5mW laser. I
don't take threats very well, and plus, I'm under 18.
By the way, do you have a power meter reading for your laser?
20th sept
Your under 18? and you thought you could clean up and repair my
$300 laser? well, that explains why you dont seem to give a shit.
The pictures of the beam and dot show its OVER 5mW, the laser was
sent to you to clean the diodes lens so that it could output its
full potential without having to be heated first. What made you
think you could do this?
Even if it was outputting 5mW, you still DESTROYED my $300 laser,
which is now completely useless...why did you think you could
just destroy it and think nothing of it? you even sent it back to
me knowing it was broken and didnt even think id mind? You didnt
even tell me it was broken...
If your under 18, then your probably living with your parents /
guardian...I suggest you inform them of whats going on - ill get
compensation of some sort one way or another...and no, im not
threatening you, nor have I. Like i said, i choose my words

I dont have a power meter reading, this is another reason i sent
it to you so it would be cleaned, metered and easier for me to
Today, 06:15 PM
Default Re: The Viper
um, I tried to find out what was wrong and ran into a few
problems. Your laser is not, and was not worth anywhere near
$300. I did meter it. 5mW. I'm sorry I broke it, I'll go buy you
a new 5mW CNI pen style laser if that makes you happy.
20th sept
Well obviously not, i can get cni styles pretty cheap from my
supplier, which is where REMOVED got his batch from. The dragon
viper 125mW cost me over $300, its for sale on their site now for
$299. You offered $150 for it and im letting you off with just
having to compensate $100 for it - i told u im a nice guy...
It only output 5mW due to some crap on the diode lens, which is
what you needed to clean off in the first place, and you said you
could do it. If you told me you were under 18, i wouldnt have
sent it. Ive said this many times, the pics clearly show its over
5mW, its now dead, broken and mis-shaped. Stop going round in
circles with me, im not going to go away

you owe me up to $100 in either cash or items. Im being fair by
giving you one week (From Saturday) to come up with something.
After that, i have a multiple choice to make on how i can
retrieve it myself

Today, 07:32 PM
Default Re: The Viper
ok. crap on a lens is not going to account for over a 1000% loss
in power. Do what you must, I am not going to compensate you for
more than what a 5mW is worth. You will not receive any more PMs
from me. Tell me if you want to accept my offer.
20th sept
Ok, u want it the hard way? Let me know if u want me to scrap the
6 days left and i will. Ill start a thread now just to get the
ball rolling

Sorry thats a very long list, but sums up whats going on here...like i said, hes an immature scam who wont accept responsibility, even after destroying somebody elses property. Do not trade or deal with him.