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FrozenGate by Avery

LaserBee I Thermopile Based Laser Power Meter

Sep 20, 2008
LaserBee Thermopile Based Laser Power Meters

This is a new Thread for the LaserBee + Thermopile Laser Power Meter products.
The reasoning is to put Laser Power Meter information in a simple to find area...

I will add info as time progresses and is required....

For those of you interested in the LaserBee + Thermopile products.. you can see them
and get info here...

J.BAUER Electronics LaserBee Products

Scanning to the bottom of any producrs page will show our Retail Prices.

LaserBee I Reviews
Scan down to lasersbee


For those of you interested in an inexpensive alternative LPM for IR.. Red and Green
and Blu-Ray Lasers up to 200mW... the HLPM II 200mW LPM Module may be what
you're looking for...
You can see it here...

200mW HLPM II LPM Module

Scanning to the bottom of the page... you will see our Retail Pricing.

120mW LPM Module Reviews


I decided to add all the DIY LPM projects that other members have come up with on LPF...

Simple Laser Power Meter Using IR Thermometer by Warske
Simple Laser Power Meter Using IR Thermometer - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Lasers & Laser Pointers

DIY: Laser Power Gauge by Benm
DIY: Laser Power Gauge - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Lasers & Laser Pointers

DIY: Laser Power Meter by knimrod
DIY Laser Power Meter - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Lasers & Laser Pointers

DIY: LED/Photo Diode LPM by FireMyLaser

DIY Thermal LPM for under $50 by MarioMaster


DIY Pre-Calibrated LPM for Under $100.00
DIY Pre-Calibrated LPM for under $100.00....

DIY 10 Watt Laser Power Meter by lasersbee
DIY-10Watt-Laser Power Meter Project...

DIY Kenometer Pro Mods...
Kenometer PRO Mods...



You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Can you post the way you built the 120mW LASER POWER METER MODULE ?

If you will send a payment of 1/2 the research development costs we incurred
to put it on the market... I'll gladly share that info with YOU...:D

It's like asking Coherent or Ophir to post how they build their LPMs...:whistle:

BTW... there are numerous other DIY LPM projects with instructions on assembly
that can be built in the links I supply above..


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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If you will send a payment of 1/2 the research development costs we incurred
to put it on the market... I'll gladly share that info with YOU...:D

It's like asking Coherent or Ophir to post how they build their LPMs...:whistle:

BTW... there are numerous other DIY LPM projects with instructions on assembly
that can be built in the links I supply above..


I know about the other DIY LPM'S you posted.. It's just that they seem too complicated to build, whereas yours doesn't. Watching a single laser sensor in your site gave me the thought that it would be way easier than the other complicated circuits. I know basic electronics but those graphs are too difficult for me.. :( Thanks, anyway ;)
Hey Jerry, wouldn't mind removing the bit about my power metering service would you? No LPM remember :p

Hey Jerry, wouldn't mind removing the bit about my power metering service would you? No LPM remember :p


Hey Adam...
that's right... I had forgotten...
I'll fix it now... Thanks...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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I have an IR diode of an unknown wavelength will that meter be able to tell me the wavelength
(I used a TV remote tester to prove it works )
I have an IR diode of an unknown wavelength will that meter be able to tell me the wavelength
(I used a TV remote tester to prove it works )

No, a laser power meter is used to measure the power output of a laser, not the wavelength. What you are looking for is a spectroscope, they start around $1-2K...

Why is it so critical that you know the wavelength? Also where did you get it from? If it came out of a CD player/burner, it will be around 780nm.
Thanks for stepping up digital_blue...
Of course you are correct... Laser POWER Meters are used to
test Laser Power...
There is a spectroscope you can get on the Net for about $40.00
It works quite well for the price... We have on in the shop..
but we needed to adjust the calibration slightly...

Amazon.com: Learning Technologies - Industrial & Scientific


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Well, his diode is IR so I doubt you can see it on the scale of those spectroscopes. Perhaps you can mod it by replacing the scale background IR viewer card...
Didn't dawn on me that it would be hard to see IR... :yabbem:
but like you said it might work with an IR indicator card
at the output.. or maybe a Web Cam looking into that


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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I use an IR detector card after a transmission grating, works fine, but it depends on the grating how far in the IR you can go.
