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FrozenGate by Avery

Kenometer/LaserBee PRO Mods...

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Sep 20, 2008

This is in no way meant to bash anything or anyone... it is an as fair as
I could make modification of the Review LPM that we paid for...
to make it slightly better with the least amount of additional costs...

We just finished a series of tests and modifications on the Kenometer Pro
that we Traded with member CDBEAM...

We did some basic tests and the results will be posted below in a
Before and After format..

When we received the Pro from CDBEAM we started by performing a few
simple tests....

- Firmware functionality
- power reading accuracy against Newport 1825C
- a simplified external noise immunity test (Cell Phone)
- Power consumption

Firmware functionality

The firmware seemed to function well. In Menu when adjusting +/-
values... pressing the Fast Button increases the incr/decr speed..
Adjusting different values for the Graph Timing and Ranges works well.

The problem is... after adjusting the display values and removing power
to the PRO... you need to re-enter your Menu settings since nothing is
stored in Memory and is lost.

Once the LCD Graph is filled the Peak and Average values displayed
no longer change values... they seem to only calculate what is on the
Graph then lock on those values until you hit the Reset Button.
Even after the Graph is filled and locked...the actual power of the Sensor
is still displayed in real time.

The Zero button MUST be pressed before taking any readings after a
Power On reboot.

There is a 1-4mW jitter on the LCD power display with no power input
to the sensor. (we solved the Jitter)

Switching from (fully charged) batteries to the USB power the Contrast
of the LCD display needed to be adjusted with every power switchover.
(we found out why)

The Zero Button Zeroes the reading even if you are at 3000mW...

Power reading accuracy

As was expected the OPHIR sensor was spot on as long as you kept
the beam of the Laser EXACTLY in the center of the 12mm active surface...
We did some tests on different areas of the 12mm active surface with a
stable Laser and you can see the variations we recorded in the pic
The firmware followed the OPHIR head's output quite well... no problems

Simplified external noise immunity test

We turned on a Cell Phone and called our shop to do a quick and dirty
noise test...
We physically ran the Cell phone (as close as possible) all around the
OPHIR Head... the Head Cable and all around the Pro Case with no
input to the Sensor Head. We were not impressed... See Data Below

Seeing that... we did the same tests with a Standard LaserBee I and II
(PCB only.. no Box) and the readings only dropped a max of 2mW with
no change at the Thermopile Sensor.

Power consumption

Checking the power consumption on the Power Input Jack with a 9Volt
1 Amp Switching Power supply... we noticed the PRO drawing an excessive
amount of current as far as we were concerned... The OPHIR
head only requires ~27mA...


We decided to see if we could fix the problem with the Power Consumption...
(we fixed that... see the cmparision below)

We needed to do something about the no-input jitter without having
access to the Firmware source code... (we fixed that)

At the same time we wanted to assemble the LPM components in a
way to be able to replace any parts easily... (we fixed that)

We also wanted to reduce the Noise vulnerability as much as possible
without needing to design a special PCB.....

We noticed that the LCD.... LCD Backlight and DC/DC Converter all sucked
power from that poor little Arduino.... We also noticed a series of separarate
grounds tied anywhere.... (We fixed that)

Here are the Stats and the results of our efforts...

Original Kenometer PRO

- Power consumption ---------- 332mA
- No-Input Jitter ----------------- 1-4mW (max)
- Noise test Head --------------- +26mW (max)
- Noise test PRO ---------------- +224mW (max)

Modified to better Specs 5W LPM <---Corrected...:cool:

- Power consumption ---------- 178mA
- No-Input Jitter ----------------- 0 mW (max)
- Noise test Head --------------- +3mW (max)
- Noise test PRO ---------------- +16mW (max)

We still need to test the PC Data Logging Software... I'll update this Post when we do...



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Well you certainly cleaned up the prototype, it looks much better now :)

Not sure how I feel about having my software running in a case rebadged "Laserbee" though.

Settings save and automatic power graphing have been introduced in the v1.3 firmware. Noise filter boards on the retail versions eliminate jitter and filter signal noise.

The braided cables and large number of cable ties almost seem overdone though.
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I must say it looks very nice In a way almost to nice.
Its one of those things it looks to good to be true.
If i can get the money up i sure hope my lpm looks like that, all nicely braided and shiny.
Great job on the improvements tho.
Anything that makes what we already have better is worth knowing.
Got a tutorial on braiding cables? i just kinda spin them around on my drill and make them look nice.
much nicer looking and cheaper than heat shrink.
+1 for not hot glue or at least that we can see.
Is there any hot glue, like for the ports or is it all epoxy?
I think if hes using any part at lease some mention should be made, but if he keeps improving it and designs his own firmware then i would see no issue with this current model.
I think compitition is a good thing.
WOW!! Isn't that Illegal to take someone else's work, remount it into your own case and then put your brand on it? Geezzz I bet if anyone did that to a laserbee and stuck their own brand on it, the crap would fly. Just saying, don't think it's right one bit.

I can understand you "bought it" cleaned it up to your liking and mounted it in a case, but it's still not your work. The design, firmware and software are the intellectual property of Ken.
WOW!! Isn't that Illegal to take someone else's work, remount it into your own case and then put your brand on it? Geezzz I bet if anyone did that to a laserbee and stuck their own brand on it, the crap would fly. Just saying, don't think it's right one bit.

I can understand you "bought it" cleaned it up to your liking and mounted it in a case, but it's still not your work. The design, firmware and software are the intellectual property of Ken.

Jerry (lasersbee) has a grudge with Kenom and the Kenometer. This is him having fun. He's trying to get to everyone involved with the Kenometer just to add insult even more so than before.

Just ignore him... we all are
it might be illegal if he sell it without permission.
But i think this is a prototype and he planning on using as a skeleton to base a new meter off of.
But if i remember ken said something about letting people mod his meters and take them up because he no longer had the time but i could be wrong.
I would never ignore progress even if it is by the competition.
If he made improvements great, it shows that the real creators with the source code and schematics should take this as a push to do the same and more.
Never accept average the second you do you have lost.
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I think if hes using any part at lease some mention should be made, but if he keeps improving it and designs his own firmware then i would see no issue with this current model.
I think compitition is a good thing.

Not when the compitition is bashing the others... I agree, the "Laserbee" badge needs to go... That is a kenometer, not a laserbee...You can rebadge it when you get EVERY kenometer part out of there...
WOW!! Isn't that Illegal to take someone else's work, remount it into your own case and then put your brand on it? Geezzz I bet if anyone did that to a laserbee and stuck their own brand on it, the crap would fly. Just saying, don't think it's right one bit.

I can understand you "bought it" cleaned it up to your liking and mounted it in a case, but it's still not your work. The design, firmware and software are the intellectual property of Ken.

Well said!
As I understand it, Jerry's made modifications to the prototype Kenometer's design. Since he owns the hardware outright (having purchased it) and is not copying/cloning/profiting, there's nothing wrong with what he has done. He's not even copied or modified the firmware (both this and the laserbee will likely have code protection enabled on the chip, making anything more than clean-room disassembly hard to do), and the schematic itself is a set of reference designs and simple schematics, which can't reasonably be copywrited, any more than the LM317 concept can be copywrited. As long as he is not taking credit entirely as his own, I don't see anything legally wrong. Morally is a whole other issue.

It would have been nice to see the details of the modification, design flaws and the corrections made, so that people can learn a bit about electronics by example, and as constructive criticism for Ken?

I'm not sure if Jerry has a pre-existing arrangement with Kenom - I remember they have discussed designs, including that of the power supply, in the past. Perhaps some of the team(s) could explain any arrangements?
it might be illegal if he sell it without permission.
But i think this is a prototype and he planning on using as a skeleton to base a new meter off of.
But if i remember ken said something about letting people mod his meters and take them up because he no longer had the time but i could be wrong.
I would never ignore progress even if it is by the competition.
If he made improvements great, it shows that the real creators with the source code and schematics should take this as a push to do the same and more.
Never accept average the second you do you have lost.

Just talked to Kenom on laserchat.

18:15 Kenom: and I've never given permission to modify my meters.
I bet if anyone did that to the i-Pad and posted pictures of it, Apple would own you.
I will speak from personal and first hand knowledge there is a place you can send chips to have the code ripped out of them for a fee around 20-500$ depending on the size and encryption difficulty.
The can go from Arduino's to flash drives even hard drives.
I encrypted a drive that had my final project on it and then forgot the PW and they recovered it.
even data recover from deleted or reformatted hard drives with the right tools can be recovered.
Heck 3 months after that the drive got corrupted and they were a able to recover 82% of all my data.
Now for all the work it might take for someone to get the code if i remember correctly even if they rip it there will be no variable names, just locations.
Seeing his skill at building things i think he could make his own code or knows people that could.
But from what it looks like hes not going to sell the unit so like others have said its perfectly okay to do.
Some people on this forum seem to think their opinion is law, morals and laws are 2 way different things and if you cant keep them separated you should restrain your self.
Heck, if anyone wants to build a Kenometer Lite for some of my customers I would be grateful. Only requirement I have is that the builder that volunteers must be good at what they do. The finished product must look very well put together.

PM sent... let me know....:cool:
The only thing is.... that those ones will need to be renamed a KenoBee...;)


hahahah... I would have no objections to that.. Kenobee...LOL too rich.
(source of quotes: http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/goodbye-sadness-kenom-49579.html)

This is what i was talking about.
So maybe he should rename it to the Kenobee.
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