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yourlasers.com shipment not arrived


Jan 13, 2012
My 50 mW green Laser SD-301 (or SD-302?) laser has not arrived.

On April 23 they replied:

The ???? 17track.net ???????????????? said

20-Feb-2012 The item (RT12278****HK) left Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Feb-2012

It is still on the way,please check it on your local if you are worry about it.

They did not respond to further inquiries.

yourlasers.com is a part of dealextreme.com. DX moved their higher power lasers to yourlasers.com .

PS: The message was obfuscated by the forum system.
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I wanted to share my experience with that site without having to create a new thread.

I didn't expect much from the lasers themselves (I can't measure the power level yet), but I expected at least to received all the items I ordered.

I ordered 3 green lasers on 2012-07-26.

50155 SD-210 Waterproof 50mW 532nm Green Laser Pen Pointer with Battery Set (1*18650) €28.08
57546 SD-306 200mW 532nm Green Laser Pen Pointer with Charger (1 x 18650) €56.33
22337 Stainless Steel 20mW Green Laser Pointer Pen (2*AAA) €15.18

They didn't send me an e-mail but I found on their site last week that something had been sent ("Your order has been dispatched." without any detail about what was sent).

I received today (2012-08-09) an unopened parcel in perfect condition containing 2 of the 3 lasers I ordered (with a sticker pandaoo.com on it).

The "50155 SD-210 Waterproof 50mW 532nm Green Laser Pen Pointer with Battery Set (1*18650)" is missing, so is the charger for the SD-306.

I sent a first e-mail to their "contact us" address : "service.yourlasers@gmail.com"
Then I tried to send a second one when I realized that the charger was missing too then it failed to be delivered. I'll retry tomorrow but this looks like a very bad start (and probably the end).

Anyway, if you want pictures of the two I received, don't hesitate to ask.
The 20mW is weak (no better than the "5 mW" cheapest DX pen) and the "200 mW" is way brighter (but less than the JetLasers 400 mW I returned recently and it doesn't burn).
IIRC YL is a dino direct store not dealextreme.

same for lasersman not to be confused with Laserman.

to see If I am remembering this correctly just go to each and look for 'contact us' at the bottom- find the fax numbers last I checked they were all the same one used by DD. we DID have a very good company sales rep that had great english skillz and went out of her way to help us (CherryLee) as it often happens good deeds get punished in time and she is a now either gone or working in another department..
so now we have JenniferHill- you may get better help by emailing Jennifer at YL. you need to tell her you are forum people.. she is now using Cherrylees account here too... so try that too.

another DD company (same fax #) is laserpointerworld- I am told they can copypasta an entire new store in about one day-(mistakes/errors/typos and all else) for a while we thought that LM & YL we in a price war to win our biz-- joke was on us ... hak
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I thought YL was run by dealextreme? Apperantly, DX wasn't allowed to sell the high power lasers on their site anymore so they moved it to yourlasers, I may be wrong though
Well there is "yourlaser.com" and then "yourlasers.com" with an "S" on the end. I think the latter is a DX company.

I'm not sure if it's DX anymore though. It doesn't say "a DX company" like it used to.
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^^^ you are correct sir!! my bad,

They is prolly a term for this but I call it 'Typo Baiting'
You find an established company and crate a a new site that gets hits when someone make a typo--
one example may be laserpointerforums and laserpointerworld..

Or like yourlaser and yourlasers- sooner or later your will get buyers who thought they were buying elsewhere.Another thing I noticed last night while trying to find promo codes..
There are a few 'bogus' sites(IMHO) where they list a crapload of great sounding codes but when to click on any of them it just takes you to the stores site( Ka-Ching) you think.... ummm thats odd !!!

let me try two more codes(Ka-ching Ka-ching)

since they get paid every time a link gets clicked they can make $$ and never even give out any promo codes. (or just a few to keep em coming back for more)

I have been on forums where it SEEMs like just placing you cursor just close to a link you get sent there (Ka-ching!) no need to even click the link--

on a big forum this can happen thousands of time a day --thats a lot of Ka-chings over a year.. JUST SAYIN'
so now we have JenniferHill- you may get better help by emailing Jennifer at YL. you need to tell her you are forum people.. she is now using Cherrylees account here too... so try that too.

I got a reply, in fact 2 (from a "Wendy"), one yesterday and one now and it confirms the bad feelings I had at first.

On your order,Bec SKU:50155 is not available now,So we didn't ship it to you. We'll refund $33.70 to you when this order is finished,You can rest assured

"When this order is finished" means after 1 month
And Battery Charger is not included

In conclusion:

The site has no security (credit card payment in HTTP, no encryption).
The site has a poor tracking system (no e-mail notification, no details about what has been sent).
They don't sent items as described on the site:
57546 SD-306 200mW 532nm Green Laser Pen Pointer with Charger (1 x 18650) €56.33
I can read the word "charger" and it seems they'll never send one.

I fear I'll never see the refund considering this.

Oh, I'll probably never recommend yourlasers.com
ATM LM/YL/ LPW have around 339 items listed under projectors. I have read a bunch --maybe 50 or more- and yet not seen a single PJ listed accurately-- they will call a TTL pj 'fulll color'-WRONG a ttl rgb make seven colors- the mention batteries when refrering to a pj that has none. They call some pjs 'pointers'- I saw a few where they call the pj red and then also blue or green when it is only a one color device.
I have seen things like '600mW projector' when in the discription the numbers add up to way less and if you take into consideration the losses via the optics...the error is even bigger.

Do not waste your time pointing any of this out- they will thank you for the correction but never change a thing. They prolly have no idea of what 'as discribed' even means. Cherrylee said she has never been 'allowed' to see ANY of the projectors in person..AND she must give suppport on them. DUH!!??

She told me that she asked and was not given permission to make any corrections to the listing either- WTH is going on over there???

If you have ever 'chatted' you know its way better than sending emails and certainly much quicker- Cherrylee may have gotten in trouble for using FB chat to help with issues- all strictly work related chats- she was forced to use chat only during her lunch time.

last rant-- they should have in place a method that will not allow an order to be placed for an item not in stock- finding out later is bogus...++ IMO
hi, I'm a Representative of yourlaser, Jennifer. if you have some question on yourlaser you can contact me:)
hello jennifer--- No reply from my last three emails??
can you chat with me at facebook??

I can go there now..
Le hakzaw on FB
hi, I'm a Representative of yourlaser, Jennifer. if you have some question on yourlaser you can contact me:)

Hello "you" whoever you are. I'm sorry because I know (I guess) that your life is hard. But so is mine as an "owned" customer.

Here's the best (and the last) part from:

Wendy said:
Hello,This is Wendy on service to you!

Yeah,The battery charger is included before

But It's not included now,Hope getting your kindly understanding

And I don't know When SKU:50155 is available again

But You can rest assured that We'll refund the payment to you when this order is finished

What it means is (despite english isn't my native language).

What you ordered on our site is one thing (like a dream or a wish).
What we sent you is something else (that allows us to make more money from silly people).

So do you and your boss really think that we must accept that your company sends whatever it beleives to be necessary (and less than what is promised) ?

Anybody with a three digit IQ should know that a site selling underpowered lasers and sending some of them without the advertised accessories is just lying and stealing from its customers.

Be reassured, you don't have to fix that. Your potential customers will: they'll never order anything from yourlasers.com

I'll do my best to advertise your company daylight robbery and spread the word about those crook practices. I may never see my money ever again but at least some people reading this will save their hard to earn money.

I've spent 99.60 euros in june for 3 lasers and received only 2. One of them was advertised as 200 mW (it's probably way below that because it doesn't burn anything) with a charger and no charger was sent.

And I should "kindly understand" that I have to wait that "this order is finished" ? It is finished already!

I'll never make the same mistake again.

Best Regards.
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cherrylee would have not allowed that to happen to you- maybe jennifer wendy lpkath kathy or who ever can try as hard as she did until she was 'transfered to another department' CS and QC seem to be a joke... and employees that 'help' customers too much get canned-- sad--

cherrylee would have not allowed that to happen to you- maybe jennifer wendy lpkath kathy or who ever can try as hard as she did until she was 'transfered to another department' CS and QC seem to be a joke... and employees that 'help' customers too much get canned-- sad--

As if it wasn't enough already, they have just started spamming their victims:

Dear Value Customer,
Good day to you!
Hello,This is Wendy from **** LINK to yourlaserscam REMOVED ***
The website is in the possession of DX Platform before June
We overtook it over 2 months,We receive much high reputation from our clients
And We have produced many new items recently,Kindly have a look
Welcome to order at our website by CC
Best Regards!

I replied (excerpt)

If you insist sending me your spam and I don't receive my money before the end of this month, I'll put online a dedicated web page about my
experience on that yourlasers site. And I'll spend a lot of time having that page indexed by search engines and I'll post links to it in every possible web board and forum where people may be interested in lasers.
Have a nice day.

I also gave her a link to this discussion about the "high reputation" of their site.
I don't know if it is because I had to threaten them but I received today the money corresponding to the product they didn't sent. I won't elaborate but even though it could be worse I'm convinced that it could have been way better.

PS: Meanwhile, I've ordered some powerful green LASERS from VIASHO and JetLasers and this is really a completely different experience.
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