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Wondered about this long enough, what is rhd's avatar?

Jan 29, 2014
I've wondered about this long enough, never could get rhd to respond to my PM's asking him what this is:


Anyone know?

Wow, I knew it was something awesome but didn't know the scale, it's huge!

how long until we get handheld x-ray lasers? :p

Hopefully never, can you imagine how dangerous they would be in the wrong hands? :scared:

At least lasers can only burn your retinas, don't really want teenagers to delve into coherent ionising death rays personally. :eek:

But to answer your question, quite a while. We don't really have much in the way of UV, let alone X-ray.
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X-Ray lasers hold the ability to let us see deeper into the sub atomic world, they will also make formidable weapons, right now backscatter sensors are said to be able to see through concrete and 2 feet of steel from a "safe" level of x-ray emission.

The portable model for looking inside car tires is the start of miniaturization and lighter weight units, how long until surveillance drones can radiate us all each day, how long until every cop car has a license plate reader, facial recognition and backscatter x-ray scanners running all day every day collecting data?

Hopefully the level of radiation will be very low.


This is interesting.

So many cool new toys, get them before we elect a Hillary and they are all banned from our reach.

>>>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/wireless-co...793522?hash=item1c7491c132:g:~koAAOSwo4pYH~T8

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Oh, I agree they would have their benefits for some things. Especially scientific and security applications. But imagine youth wielding xasers like they do those eBay greens! :whistle:
I knew it was Lawrence Livermore Institute project. Haven't given it any thought in awhile. Thanks for bringing it back to mind.
