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Where to get a LCC diode

Nov 5, 2007
I thought there was a sticky about which diodes come out of which drives? Anyway, I am looking for a LCC diode. Where can I get one at a reasonable price?

The LCC red diodes come from the 4x and 6x blu-ray burner sleds, as far as I know.

The LOC, which are of similar or slightly higher power capabilities, come from the sleds available in the B/S/T section (LPC-815 I think? Something like that.)
yobresal said:
I thought there was a sticky about which diodes come out of which drives? Anyway, I am looking for a LCC diode. Where can I get one at a reasonable price?

I've got a couple here. I'll sell them for $10 each.

I received the diodes yesterday. Thanks, They are great. A little harder to get out of the heatsink than most diodes but I still managed to do it without fail. I have one powered up by a Rckstr driver set at 422mA and 2 10440 batteries in a pen style host. I will get an exact power measurement this evening.
yobresal said:
I received the diodes yesterday. Thanks, They are great. A little harder to get out of the heatsink than most diodes but I still managed to do it without fail. I have one powered up by a Rckstr driver set at 422mA and 2 10440 batteries in a pen style host. I will get an exact  power measurement this evening.

If you take a pair of small "nippers" . . . .

. . .and cut through the heat sink here (on both sides). . .

. . .deep enough to just clear the diode, the diode comes out very easily.  I angle the nippers so that the "corner"  of the cutting edge "fits" into the "notch" on the rear of the diode.  

Make sure that you remove the plastic film piece that is covering the front of the diodes.  It will age very rapidly at 260mW

I used a very similar method, only my nippers look a little different. Thanks for the nice mini-tutorial. At first I didn't even notice the little piece of plastic on the window but then it fell off and I was wondering where the heck it came from.
yobresal said:
I used a very similar method, only my nippers look a little different. Thanks for the nice mini-tutorial. At first I didn't even notice the little piece of plastic on the window but then it fell off and I was wondering where the heck it came from.

Yeah, SOME of them will just fall off. Others are stuck on there pretty well.

umm i know this is a stupid question but can someone quickly tell me what an LCC diode is? thank you.
mattmagic100 said:
umm i know this is a stupid question but can someone quickly tell me what an LCC diode is? thank you.
It is a long closed can. It's like a long open can diode, but it has a can.
so are these LCC diode capable of the same output as LOC?
i have heard people call them 16x LCC...so...is it more like a LOC that can run at 420mA, or a 16x that you keep around 250mA?
Mohrenberg said:
so are these LCC diode capable of the same output as LOC?
i have heard people call them 16x LCC...so...is it more like a LOC that can run at 420mA, or a 16x that you keep around 250mA?

I run my modules at 410mA for long life. My personal LCC is running at 500mA. It is giving me 305mW after a Virtual Village acrylic lens

styropyro said:
[quote author=mattmagic100 link=1236817893/0#9 date=1237140815]umm i know this is a stupid question but can someone quickly tell me what an LCC diode is? thank you.
It is a long closed can. It's like a long open can diode, but it has a can.[/quote]

o okay that makes sense haha thank you!! :) :)
daguin said:
I run my modules at 410mA for long life.  My personal LCC is running at 500mA. It is giving me 305mW after a Virtual Village acrylic lens

How long do they last running at 500 mA?
Benm said:
[quote author=daguin link=1236817893/0#12 date=1237154419]
I run my modules at 410mA for long life.  My personal LCC is running at 500mA. It is giving me 305mW after a Virtual Village acrylic lens

How long do they last running at 500 mA?

The knee actually showed up at about 490mA. I'd limit them to below that. Red diodes are petty reliable as long as you stay below the knee. However, my 500mA has been burned almost every night for a bit. I have not been "timing" it. I simply used it to test the limit. They seem VERY similar to the Long Open Can diodes. I usually set my personal lasers above what I sell. I do that NOT to be "better" than my customers, but simply to test the limits AND because I can replace the diode in under 30 minutes. ;)

To answer your question as best I can. I built it about a month ago. I used it for a short time every night for the first couple of weeks. After that, I only take it out when I "need" it.

I set my modules at 410mA. Between my modules and my matched sets of lasers, I have about 25 of them out in the community. I haven't had one fail without "cause."
(knock on wood)

