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Tonight and lasers !!!! Fireworks

Mar 2, 2008
Everybody make sure your lasers are working,and your batteries are charged. with all the fireworks,there's going to be alot of smoke,and with smoke the beams look way more visible then with no smoke.
Also have your cameras to capture the moments !!! ;)

Im not actually from America so there isn't much point in my doing this, although I did do this last year on Guy Fawkes night. firework smoke is perfect for showing laser beams.
lamborgini8 said:
Im not actually from America so there isn't much point in my doing this, although I did do this last year on Guy Fawkes night. firework smoke is perfect for showing laser beams.
well that sucks man. But you can also follow the firework as it going up with ur laser,and point where it explodes,since right there is the most smoke. Have fun people,but be careful with fireworks as kids should not use them without adult supervision.
lamborgini8 said:
Im not actually from America so there isn't much point in my doing this, although I did do this last year on Guy Fawkes night. firework smoke is perfect for showing laser beams.

Burrrrrnn 'im!

Not that I would know, of course. I'm from the colonies ;)

Just a note, don't use your lasers during the actual show, the pyrotechnicians put a lot of work into making a show and you wouldn't want to take away from the show with your lasers. After the show is done is when you can break out your lasers. ;D
styropyro said:
Just a note, don't use your lasers during the actual show, the pyrotechnicians put a lot of work into making a show and you wouldn't want to take away from the show with your lasers. After the show is done is when you can break out your lasers.  ;D
Yes. well not like at fire works shows. just liek people using them in your neighborhood. last year our neighbors spent over $3 Grand on fireworks. it lasted around 20minutes continuous non stop smoke. but i had no lasers last year :(
that's still inconsiderate to light them off during someone elses show. If they spend that much money on fireworks they want to see fireworks, not your lasers. I plan on bringing my spyrograph I just finished and after the shows are over and everyone has fired off thiers I'll do a little show.
Kenom said:
that's still inconsiderate to light them off during someone elses show.  If they spend that much money on fireworks they want to see fireworks, not your lasers.  I plan on bringing my spyrograph I just finished and after the shows are over and everyone has fired off thiers I'll do a little show.
yes i understand that,but people arent goign to pay attention to a laser,over Fireworks that are Bright as crap and loud !! unless your Razako and u got a 500mw herc,they wont really notice that much.
Couldn't this be a potential hazard when the firework explodes? The laser could reflect off a shiny piece of shrapnel and shine in someone's eye.
I don't know if its legal to do your own pyrotechnics where you are but last year I was round a mates and there were so many rockets and ground fireworks going off that the whole area, sky and ground, was covered with dense smoke.
iewed said:
Couldn't this be a potential hazard when the firework explodes? The laser could reflect off a shiny piece of shrapnel and shine in someone's eye.

There is virtually NO "metal" or shiny, reflective parts to fireworks (especially aerial pyrotechnics). Outside of the "explosives", they are mostly cardboard, paper, and "clay".


I've got a fairly complex spirograph ready -- one of those little Laser Crab things rigged up to my 150mW PL-III, with a few extra things to go with it. I coordinated with the neighbor who's setting it up, and he's pretty giddy about having it going during the show. $6000 of fireworks, too. 8-)
Chad said:

I've got a fairly complex spirograph ready -- one of those little Laser Crab things rigged up to my 150mW PL-III, with a few extra things to go with it. I coordinated with the neighbor who's setting it up, and he's pretty giddy about having it going during the show. $6000 of fireworks, too.  8-)
i dont see how people can pay so much money for something,that can only be used once.
daguin said:
[quote author=iewed link=1215191060/0#8 date=1215193345]Couldn't this be a potential hazard when the firework explodes? The laser could reflect off a shiny piece of shrapnel and shine in someone's eye.

There is virtually NO "metal" or shiny, reflective parts to fireworks (especially aerial pyrotechnics). Outside of the "explosives", they are mostly cardboard, paper, and "clay".

Technically fireworks are FULL of metal, but it is very fine power or in fine shavings. :D

Iewed- There better not be any shrapnel coming from any fireworks you are using ;D
Or it'll be on the news the next morning, when many people have their limbs blown off and are mainly dead
