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Sub Woofers!

Sep 28, 2007
Ok, I actually have mine on now. Its only 75W but its powerful enough to shake the whole house including vibrating my keyboard off the desk and well... anything on the desk ends up on the floor and any paper ends up blown across the room by the air being forced out the vents.

But still, on a budget of around £75 - £150 what sub woofers can I get with even MORE power?

wow, I never thought I'd find an audio enthusiast here... awsome! anyhow, you need to do what I do, build your own subwoofer setups, it's better cheaper, and if done right, it'll sound as good as the $2000+ units. you should head over to the home theater forum, http://www.hometheaterforum.com/htf/index.php, there you'll find all the info you'll ever need.

also, 75watts sahking your keyboard off the desk? I'm running 800 watts to an 18" subwoofer in my house, In don't have those problems, you should get a better desk and or take subwoofer off the desk (which i assume is where it is)
member02 said:
wow, I never thought I'd find an audio enthusiast here... awsome! anyhow, you need to do what I do, build your own subwoofer setups, it's better cheaper, and if done right, it'll sound as good as the $2000+ units. you should head over to the home theater forum, http://www.hometheaterforum.com/htf/index.php, there you'll find all the info you'll ever need.

also, 75watts sahking your keyboard off the desk? I'm running 800 watts to an 18" subwoofer in my house, In don't have those problems, you should get a better desk and or take subwoofer off the desk (which i assume is where it is)

It sounds more powerful because it is sandwiched between my computer desk and some shelfs. It seams to use the wood from both of them and makes it sound more powerful.

Will check out the forum soon.
Damn :o I used to have a 300W subwoofer and a 500W speaker running at 300W in my tiny room ;D You could hear the door vibrating when it wasn't shut ;D You could also hear the neighbours vibrating with anger most of the times :P
Anyway your 75W must be some of those russian Watts that are more hardcore :P :D
If i were you, i would just go out and and get a set of Logitech Z-2300 speakers. Dell had em for $95 shipped. I have a set for gaming in my room and damn. Just damn.

For music i have a pair of Klipsch SP-1's (each has a built in 250watt sub), HK-3480 integrated amp and a kickass sony 5 disc changer (vintage baby). It took awhile for me to warm up to the horn tweets, but now it sounds stupendous! I found the Klipsch for, get this, $105 for the pair! i couldn't walk away.

For party's i have a Carver M-400 amp (200 watts a channel), a set of JBL L-80T's and a JBL S120PII 400watt sub. It rocks.
