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Selling: Anything from Wicked Lasers

Aug 21, 2007
I dont want anything from wicked lasers, I want to sell anyone anything from wicked lasers under the price that it is brand new, with the exception of the spyder/sonar/evo125.

I have 400 dollars in wicked bucks, and i wanted to know if anyone was interested in buying anything from wicked lasers for like 50 dollars under the original price.

So lets say you wanted a signature series (300 dollars), i would put your adress iin the wicked order and have it sent directly to you, everything included. Then you would send me like 200-300 dollars.

Im willing to buy anything for anyone, and for less than the original price. Even if someone wants 13 of those wicked lasers t-shirts ;D .

PM me or reply in this thread if youre interested at all. I am also willing to sell the entire account for like 250-350 dollars. It has about 400 dollars iin wicked bucks.


Hey I'll take a pair of red lasershades and green lasershades $50 off the original price. OOOH thow in a sonar case too for $50 under. HEHE.
hmmmm don't you need the WB's for the contests laserterd???? entiely up to you though!!!!
amazing how many accounts are going up for sale now... I say the sae thing I said to jeff, buy lasershades and resell them! you can make a nice profit since you're paying $0 for then anyway!
Well, I am gonna order two red shades off WL, so if you would "sponsor" me that would be nice. It obviously doesn't need to be 50$ per item...
