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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Possibly another Hightechdealz virus...

Thanks for the warning, but next time try not to post the link to the virus...
I dont think i did...since i just blabbed it out..Plus i just clicked it and my computer went to comcast search engine.
Oh, ok.
I didn't click it.
Yep...I believe with AVR it SHOULD stop it in its tracks...As why I get a message. Just more reasons why I have it installed (the free version). Seems to save my computer a lot :)
AVR... Hmm, never heard of it. I use Threatfire when I have to get by on a free one. McAfee is the best!
are y'all still getting that? I redid my website.. again.

I'm now using osCommerce and everything has been smooth with no problems.

I was up for 20 hours remaking everything the other night on 6-4-2010.

Please post here if you find anything screwy again.

thanks for everyone's help.

