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o-like 405nm 150mW blu-ray pen help!

There sure was,

Because you two started explaining to me that wearing a white tshirt is better at summer because it reflects more light than black one.

I mean Jeez, if I were some tight-temper moron I would probably inslut every one here and get myself banned.

Sorry for confusion everyone!
Does the laser I have from o-like use a plastic lens or a glass one. And if so a plastic one, where can i get a glass one. Thanks

Hey there, I hope you're having fun with your new toy.

As for lenses. Im guessing it has the standard Aixiz Acrylic lense. you can get a glass lense from Aixiz, but the power increase is only slight. the main benifet from the glass is that it won't distort.

The other alternative is one of the custom lenses on the forum. Both jayrob and LarryDFW make a glass lense unit for the Aixiz, both different designs but doing the same job, and both increase the power of Blu-ray diodes by 25%-30% compared to the acrylic lense. Ether one of these would be the best bet. ;)

the only thing is I am not 100% sure the Aixiz lense will fit these O-Like pens, When I finally get my Aixiz module, I will let you know. ;)

I hope this helps.

The lens that comes with it is AR coated for 405nm, I believe. I bought the 10mW version of what you have, and the lens is a strange color.

I don't know if they can coat plastic with AR ion coats, but if they can't then it is definitely glass. If they can, then it may be either/or.

You can remove the button, you should be able to see a pot. You may fry your laser, though. I have my 10mW burning stuff, lighting dark matches, igniting roll caps, etc.

For batteries, I use duracell eneloops, total of 2.4V, but lower resistance than alkies
Thanks! All of this information has been very helpful. I would definitively be interested in the custom lens. When you get the module do let me know :)
if you cant burn anything with that your either not focusing correctly or its way under spec.
oh sorry i must have misunderstood, but i do still think its a focusing problem because i just burnt a corner off of some white paper with my PHR and i dont think its over 100mws
Thanks! All of this information has been very helpful. I would definitively be interested in the custom lens. When you get the module do let me know :)

Don't worry, I will. Trying to sort it all out today. It should have arrived last week. :/

The other alternative is one of the custom lenses on the forum. Both jayrob and LarryDFW make a glass lense unit for the Aixiz, both different designs but doing the same job, and both increase the power of Blu-ray diodes by 25%-30% compared to the acrylic lense. Ether one of these would be the best bet. ;)

the only thing is I am not 100% sure the Aixiz lense will fit these O-Like pens, When I finally get my Aixiz module, I will let you know. ;)


The industry standard "Aixiz lens assembly" is 9mm in overall diameter.
It can have glass or plastic lenses.
It would look like the black cylinder on the left in the photo:

It would be the most likely module to be used in the 150mw Blu-Ray pointer.

But, since it is not absolute, I would check the module by measuring the diameter.

If it measures 9mm and the lens housing it threads into is fully threaded,
then I think you can be confident that it is a Aixiz module.

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Hey Larry, it looks just like the one in the photo. And is 9mm in diameter, but it does not thread all the way down. And it has a lip on the outside about 1mm where the lens screws in. But apart from that, it looks the same. and I'm fairly confedent it will fit. I will let you know when i get my Aixiz.

^ Sorry for the delay Si, you know I'm on it... ! Damn PO :mad:!

Hi there,

The links below are both for the Aixiz lens mod, (And it sure looks like you have an Aixiz to me). As far as I'm aware they use the same lens so the choice is yours as to who to go to. O-like also sell an AR coated glass lens for 405nm. Remembering that yours might be AR coated and not totally Standard the difference between a Standard Acylic lens and the O-like one is circa 11-12% gain for only $15, (when I bought one anyway). The difference between a Standard Acrylic and a Jayrob lens is circa 35%, (at least during my test), but is more expensive. I would still go for the Jayrob or LarryDFW for a better quality of burn and the O-like one won't allow the fitting of a focusing ring.

If your lens nut comes all the way off you should be able to hold it to the light and see a yellowish tint if it is AR coated. If you just see a clear plain lens then it is unlikely to be AR coated and probably Standard Acrylic.



There's some info for you...


Hey guys,

I got my Aixiz Module today, (Thanks Moran) And can confirm the Aixiz focusing ring fits the O-Like Blu ray chrome pens. ;)

you should be able to hold it to the light and see a yellowish tint if it is AR coated. If you just see a clear plain lens then it is unlikely to be AR coated and probably Standard Acrylic.

If you are talking about the chrome host with textured grip and aixiz-looking lens nut, grey side-button, I have that very laser, but the 10mW version. Unmodded, it would bring smoke from my wallet. It comes with a brownish yellow coating on the lens, same color coating as what's on the diode window, just looks less dense.

is the 150mW BR the one with the weird diode?
