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Never ever ever.......

I find it very lol. She deserved it for being dumb enough to stand there.
Don't feel sorry for stupid people. They have it coming.....

Another darwin award nominee:
"Improving the human gene pool by removing him/herself from it".
She deserved it for being dumb enough to stand there.
...does sound pretty harsh and cynical though.
Not at all. Luckily we have tamed the world to a point that their stupidity can be a source of amusement. In other situations, their stupidity would be a very dangerous thing.
The majority of these people are dumb because they chose to be dumb. They fried their brains with drugs and decided not to seek an education. I don't feel any remorse for these people when their stupidity gets them killed.
Better them than us.
looking at that point, yeah that sound a little harsh.

haha, joke, +1 to moh opinion.
I would just return it and claim you dont know what happened to it, not like they will be able to figure it out
I would just return it and claim you dont know what happened to it, not like they will be able to figure it out

Uhm, apart the fact that this is "a little bit not honest" (politically correct statement :p), it had to be done without post here before ..... or do you think that Casio don't keep an eye on our (and all the others laser related) forums ? :D
I'm with Moh on this one, on average stupid people die sooner for a reason.
I heard about a guy that was on pcp, after his crazy day was over, he goes home, passed out on his bed but had a leg hooked over his footboard.
Woke up like 3 days later and his leg was literally dead because he had cut off the circulation.
Doing stupid stuff like that, I doubt the guy is still alive.
That is stupid by choice.
I also have very severe views on what society should do and shouldn't allow genetically defective people to do.
In this town there is a home for the people and most of them aren't too bad, they contribute to society so I say no problem.
Its when they get together and have kids, the offspring are so fu^%ed uhp that they will never amount to anything more than a puddle of drool and $#!t.
That is stupid by design.
That is where society and "darwin" seems to fall down.
Having kids should be a privilege, not a way of getting more welfare, not a "oops", and not because some "mentally handicrapped person" couldn't figure out which part to put the rubber on.
+1 to Moh
If anyone wants, I'll delete this post. I get a little pissed off about this type of thing :whistle:
*sorry for contributing to the threadjack* :crackup:
It is easy to say things like this when you don't know them. I doubt you would feel the same way if it was your mother.
If it was my mother, I would be one of them.
To put it into perspective; I messed up my hand pretty bad a few years back.
When I was still in the hospital I started thinking about it.
If I was unable to support myself, should I die instead of being a burden to my family, friends, country, etc. ?
The only reason I didn't end it then was my old man must have figured it was a possibility and hid my pocket knife.
All right, I figured I'd just do it when it was more convenient.
Played happy go lucky for the hospital shrink and as I was about to leave, my surgeon met me in the hall. He told me that because I have never smoked, done drugs, don't drink, and have an active lifestyle. He put more effort into sticking my hand back together, had to be pretty creative in the way he connected certain parts but I should have almost full use of it and it would have more strength in the pieces remaining than each finger did individually.
His words: "You did your job so I could do mine"
I have been able to support myself, live, learn, and grow but the fact remains that when it comes down to it. I would take myself out rather than be a hindrance to society.
I may be a lot of things but a hypocrite isn't one of them.
You can't look at one of these guys that barely have the capacity to move, let alone live (as opposed to existing) and tell me that they are a contribution to society. We as a civilization should be moving forward, not actively held back.
I agree with you, but we are not a primitive society anymore. We practice humanity. For the most part you are right.
Humanity has its place but where does it end?
20 years ago if a baby was born a month premature it had a chance of ~5% to live for 24 hours and ~2% chance of survival beyond 2 weeks.
Now a preemie has a 70-80% chance of surviving beyond 24 hours and still a 2% chance of getting past 2 weeks.
It costs something like 26 grand to keep the baby alive that long and it doesn't change the overall numbers at all.
*I read it a long time ago, my 24h percentages might be off*
Humanity (and technology) is absolutely a hindrance in this case.
I agree with you, I probably wouldn't be able to choose death for someone even in such a crippled state but it should still be done.
I have yet to see severely handicapped people in my travels to Vietnam, Korea, Mexico, etc. If the parent's don't have the money to take care of the kid themselves, the little one just seems to disappear. I don't know of what system is in place to handle that situation but it is more effective than the one here in the west.
*Just my opinions, you judge for yourself*
I've got a A140 DLP chip, although maybe you'd want to ask someone like MarioMaster who lives closer. I ordered a couple of a140's thru him a while ago, so he might have one he'd be willing to sell you.
Since this has gone ridiculously off-topic anyways...

/me points a 1 Watt laser at OP.

There, see how you like it!!
This reminds me of a few years ago...
Being in Missouri, a large majority of the population are made up of complete retards.
There was a man and his wife living in a trailer, in an attempt to create a hole in the wall to run coaxial cable for their tv, the man used his .22 rifle.

The idea in itself is stupid, but he also had his wife stand on the other side to see where the hole came out at. So the man ended up putting a hole in the wall and through his wife's chest.

....true story.

encore, bravo.. well done! Wow, almost as stupid as deep frying a turkey in peanut oil over a gas range stove when the lid is fully closed.
