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Need your valued opinions on this.

Jan 19, 2014

Save your money my friend. Only burn there will be to your wallet.

The best thing to do is to save , then you will have what you want.
You already started a thread just like this.

Edit: And, you already received the best answer: save.
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How old are you that you only have $15 for a burning laser? Just wondering ...

How old are you that you only have $15 for a burning laser? Just wondering ...

Also that you don't want to save and started an entire new thread for the same question (except this time your budget is $15 not $20) after getting the best answer hints that you're not too old. Don't get me wrong, I'm fairly young as well but it's gonna take more maturity to than that to have lasers as your hobby and not damage your eyes. Make sure to read all of the stickies and take advice from trusted members when you get it and you'll have a great time at LPF:beer:
"I need a laser and I Want to burn stuff. Needs to be under $15.'

my money is on 15 yrs old
matches his budget and the need to burn is less frequent with the more mature crowd IMHO_
making a second thread makes me suggest we ignore him until he learns how to use this forum with proper manners and locates the search w/o asking for directions-

just sayin'
this is the 127th time this same exact question has been asked and often answered
I know exactly where you can get a red burner for ~15 dollars. The problem is, they only last for a couple of days. Even with a DC of 15 to 15. I have direct experience with this. I knew it going in though, I bought it to use it as a host for when it did go belly up. It did, I dropped an 826 in it, cranked the ma's up to 300 and now I have a long lasting red burner. Total cost? I think the military red was 14 on the bay from china, the 826 I got from techhood for 8. Oh, then the 3 element glass was around 5 or 6, I forget. Oh, I'm 49 BTW, love to burn stuff:shhh:
The first thing I did was buy some shades off ebay, do a google search on laser blindness! YOU DO NOT GET A SECOND CHANCE ON THIS! Want to be blind the rest of your life? I don't, I don't even want to chance it. And this is coming from someone who will try anything once.
Respect the laser:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

That is all.

"BURNING STUFF'' is childish BUT I feel ya--
it is quite impressive- just not always appreciated by non-laser lovers
try these:
black balloon inside a clear one (like a condom) the inner balloon will pop first

small wad of flash paper inside a glass bottle with a cork or snap on lid- the top will pop and be quite LOUD too.. first time it made me JUMP.

also I have not done it yet BUT ( be aware that this could be VERY dangerous)
fill a ballon with a flammable gas like butane- attach a wad of flash paper onto the balloon ........In theory, at least, the paper should ignite and break the balloon and the butane should then ignite. KABOOM

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Guy guys...I'm a physics teacher at a highschool who is low on income. My money being suited up by the vaccum that is my girlfriend, also i wasn't sure how to use this forum thing when I posted that.
Relax. they're messing with you. We get a lot of immature noobs, and have to assume with all the newcomers, its nothing personal. we just have to be that way for safety sake until proven otherwise that you know what you're doing.
I think hak was right on the money actually. I'm no psychologist but I've not seen many 37 year olds use the same style of typing and apparent level of maturity that this poster has.

I also found this: https://twitter.com/MuneerMaster

The locations match, as does the name. I think it's time we heard the truth - I really don't like people who lie about their age.

Plus, a physics teacher in the UK caught showing kids a laser anywhere near powerful enough to burn would most likely be escorted out the building for good. I only knew of a laser when I was in school that was in a box and no-one was allowed near it, probably a <5mW HeNe at most.
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Bburns a big place
I dont show my kids burning lasers...i show them pictures of them
I type like a kid?
Muneer master is a common muslim name, and is very common in bburn. Its the same as john smith in other places.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Listen...were all crazy about lasers, lets not fight over something as petty as age! And anyway, what kid has a samsung galaxy s4??

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Listen...were all crazy about lasers, lets not fight over something as petty as age! And anyway, what kid has a samsung galaxy s4??

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Plenty of kids have flash phones, so that's a non starter.

And I'm not fighting about age, I just don't like people that lie about it. Everything about the profile you've built up for yourself here suggests you aren't 37... I could well be wrong but I'd wager a bet that I'm right.

