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My new LaserBee I


Feb 5, 2009
Hi all,

So, after far too long without one, I now have a Laser Power Meter! Not just any Laser Power Meter mind, but a LaserBee I from the Bauer labs so I thought I'd do a review!

The Seller? Lasersbee, of course! (A brief search will yield quick results!)

edit: Previously said LaserBee. LaserBee is the product sold by Lasersbee!

First thing to do is compliment Jerry on his customer service, quality goods and general niceness to deal with. All questions were answered swiftly and thoroughly. He left nothing to chance when it came to pointing out the importance of READING THE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST!!!! :shhh:

The Product? Standard LaserBee I, with data logging, (The one not in an enclosure.) Go here: http://laserpointerforums.com/f64/fs-laserbee-i-data-logging-215-99-shipped-43922.html

Lovely bit of kit! The screen and main board are compact and well built, and has a good solid feel about it. (At some point I will mount it in some kind of box but it does feel like it's rugged enough to not absolutely need this.)

The sensor is also nice and compact. Smaller than I was expecting, (probably a little thicker than a matchbox but no bigger in plan), it will not be too much of a burden on an already tightly packed tool-box!

Usability? Couldn't be simpler!

Full instructions are supplied on a CD and Jerry is at pains to point out that these should be read BEFORE assembly and use, (The most important thing to note is the care one should show towards the sensor. This is a very carefully calibrated precision instrument and very easily un-calibrated should you touch it, breath on it, look at it funny, etc!!! So be VERY careful!), but after that it's a case of assemble, point and shoot: Your readings appear on the screen and you know what power your laser is! Also on the CD supplied is the data logging software that takes less than a minute to install. Although I haven't logged any data as yet, I can see immediately that this will be an easy task.

Assembly? Minimal.

Small flat head screwdriver, 9V battery and you're away. No other experience necessary.

Delivery/packaging? Great!

Jerry clearly cares a great deal about his products and customers. The package arrived on my doorstep 5 days after purchase! Canada to my door in the UK in 5 days! Brilliant. What's more; it was fully insured and came in a box that was padded to the hilt. Very safe.

Satisfaction? Gauranteed!

If it hasn't come across that I'm thrilled with my purchase then I haven't written very well. I'm very happy to recommend both the man and his products. Enjoy your purchases too!

Many thank Jerry!!! :thanks:


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Good review morgan,
you going to put the 'Be1' in a cool project box and let us see your handy work?
OR.. you could send it to me and i'll keep it in a box for ya.. hehhe.
I really like your review! Good job!
I have only handled a LaserBee once myself at a friend's house in Germany (think he got it second hand from someone here), but I can also vouch for it being a great LPM.

By the way, just to clear it up Jerry's sells the LaserBee but Jerry is LasersBee. I see this mistake being made a lot ;)

Nice review ! The LaserBee I is a great meter, I loved mines while I had it! Nice and small and it functions great! You Don't need to spend ages zeroing it either :D. jerry is also a great guy to deal with, he is VERY helpful.
I only have the one that goes up to 125mW and i haven't got it to work yet... ;), if I was able to redeem a wii from lockerz I would have traded it for a laserbee ... But nothing ever work as expected.
^ [Adding to RT!] Huh?

Over here in the Uk RT is the, "Radio Times"! A TV guide, (The ONLY TV guide as far as I'm concerned!)

@Jaseth. :huh:Huh? I didnt understand this? Quote[ By the way, just to clear it up Jerry's sells the LaserBee but Jerry is LasersBee. I see this mistake being made a lot ;)]

edit: Ah, I see the mistake. Duly noted and edited! :thanks:

Thanks all,
^ [Adding to RT!] Huh?

Over here in the Uk RT is the, "Radio Times"! A TV guide, (The ONLY TV guide as far as I'm concerned!)

@Jaseth. :huh:Huh? I didnt understand this? Quote[ By the way, just to clear it up Jerry's sells the LaserBee but Jerry is LasersBee. I see this mistake being made a lot ;)]

edit: Ah, I see the mistake. Duly noted and edited! :thanks:

Thanks all,

Review Thread

Check my signature :)
^Ah-ha! (Not the band but expression of sudden realisation...)

I get it now! U ppl n ur abvs! My pleasure. Credit where credit's due for good gear and service.

Hey Morgan...

nice detailed Review of your new Laser toy....

And to the rest of you Laser Gurus... thanks for the
support a kudos... it's much appreciated...;)

@ niko... thanks.. and yes I am happy...:cool:

