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My 2 Latest XM-L U2 Builds...


Sep 21, 2007
Just showing my 2 latest personal builds, and comparing two different hosts, using the same drivers and emitters...

I'm using the XM-L U2 emitters with these. 1C bin...

For both builds, I am also using the 8 X 7135 V2 (3040mA) drivers, which have about 7 or 8 different modes. (configurable) I like just 2 modes. Medium and High. And I have both of these builds configured for those 2 modes...

These AMC7135 V2 chips are 380mA's per chip (instead of 350mA's), which is why these 8 X boards put out 3040mA's in the high mode. See this review:

U2 1.jpg

U2 2.jpg

U2 3.jpg

U2 4.jpg

The Maglite 'Stubby'http://laserpointerforums.com/f64/f...ltage-monitor-parts-complete-light-59581.htmlhttp://laserpointerforums.com/f64/f...ltage-monitor-parts-complete-light-59581.html is using a Feilong 6000mAh 32650 (I have these available), and the custom Stainless Steel host is using a 4000mAh 26650...
U2 5.jpg

U2 6.jpg

Beam shots: (75' to the lounge chair on top of my cave)

Maglite Stubby...
U2 7.jpg

U2 8.jpg

Custom Stainless Host...
U2 9.jpg

U2 10.jpg

Here's a picture of the cool effect using Fiddy's custom Glow-rings. Thanks Mitch! :thanks:

He bought the highest quality premium green glow power and some 2mm silicone tubing to make these custom sized Glow-rings...

U2 11.jpg

I love both of these builds...

However the Maglite Stubby is of course better for throw, as well as run time.

But the cool custom Stainless host is oh so sweet... :D And has plenty of throw. Even though it has more flood...

Big thanks to lazeerer for sharing his source with me for that awesome host! :beer:
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Excellent builds Jay.:bowdown: I see you went with the OP reflector. Nice.! I like the smoothness of it. You should try the smooth reflector out if you like more throw. Its the one i got and i can see a difference for sure.

Very very nice builds.:beer:

The Glow rings Just Make them look sick.!

Love those sky beam shots.:beer:
Looks great Jay. I love the custom SS host. Top notch for sure.

I dont get why this is a stickie though. :thinking: You just posted it. Usually people vote. Can you buy stickies now?

Edit: Sorry, I remember yes you can. I forgot.
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No I just asked, and Avery stickied it... :D

There were no stickies in this forum anyway. And these builds are using relativity newly available emitters and drivers. I gave the links to them as well.

Excellent builds Jay.:bowdown: I see you went with the OP reflector. Nice.! I like the smoothness of it. You should try the smooth reflector out if you like more throw. Its the one i got and i can see a difference for sure.

Very very nice builds.:beer:

The Glow rings Just Make them look sick.!

Love those sky beam shots.:beer:

Yeah I thought I did choose the smooth reflector with the kit, but I don't even remember for sure...

Anyway, I can't complain. I like it! :)

Cool SS host. I love the awesome fins. Thanks again! :beer:
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I'm not sure where they got 3040ma at for that driver, but it can't be right. Each amc chip provides 350ma.

8 x 350 = 2800

Did you test them?
Yes I tested current, as I do with all my builds... :)

Those are great drivers, and they deliver a very stable 3 Amps plus...

I also have builds using the ShiningBeam 8 X 7135 driver, and they put out 2.8 Amps.

Maybe this V2 version has some other chip on there as well??

Not sure how or why, but I do know that they deliver the claimed output... :beer: (edit - 380mA chips instead of 350mA... adding to OP)
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Hmm that is very weird.

Not sure how they did it but it's pretty cool.
Yeah they are nice drivers...

If you buy some and don't like them, I'll buy the unused ones off of you! :)

But I'm sure you will like them, because they are rock solid, and easy to configure...
Nice builds Jay! +1

How long is the shipping time at Cutter? I gotta agree those are pretty awesome drivers! Stable PWM/no flickering, yes?
Very stable, no flickering...

Usually about 2 weeks from Cutter. (Australia)

They go through processing, entered, and finally shipped. But keep you informed at every step...
Wow, they have U3 and U4 bins. :drool:

Time for another build :yh:, but it seems they have a high forward voltage at around 6V.
6 Volt or 12 Volt versions...

Also, warm color temp...

I like cool. The U2 1C is between 5700K to 6500K color temp.

These are pretty much the same as the XM-L T6 emitters that I have been using...
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Yeah, warms temps aren't too appealing for me. They have a U4 bin that's 4000k which is on the tip of being warm/neutral. I might order one and give it a try.
