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Messin around in Pangolin BEYOND 3D


May 1, 2007
Pangolin recently posted up a few tutorial videos on using BEYOND 3D, so thought I'd give it a shot. Ended up making a cool little Tesla coil :D



Here is the project file if anyone else with BEYOND wants it :)

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/203420/Beyond/Tesla coil.beyond3d

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Wow... that's some powerful software!

Can you only generate the image at a set camera position? Or will it project in full 3D camera positions?
Very cool Things! We will have to have that catch up and compare lasers after all the stuff I have in the mail turns up!

Somewhere in the post there is a 100mw 473nm labby, a 300mW 532 labby and 632 HeNe all heading my way...
Wow nice! Definitely need to catch up - never seen 473 before :)

I've got my new argon ignitor PCB in the mail, should arrive this week hopefully and i can fire it up. Probably won't start now that it has been sitting for a year, but it was always a bitch to start, so :p

Should be able to find enough outlets to run 2 argons + all the other lasers :D
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Point still stands (And no, I did not pirate it .. good luck with that :p)

I fired up my Argon last night to warm the room up :) I love looking at it.

I just checked, my 473nm has spent 5 days sightseeing in Germany and is now somewhere between Frankfurt and Australia. Then it has to go through customs here, then get from Sydney to Albury.

My HeNe is somewhere in the US as is my 300mW 532nm...

EDIT: Oh and sorry to hijack your thread
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Haha, that was the main urge to get the ignitor PCB done for mine! Had to redesign it to fit inside the head. Was thinking I needed a heater for my computer room, why not use the argon laser. Although it is crazy noisy :D
Pretty sweet!! I could have a bit of fun with that.. too bad I don't do many commercial graphics shows.
Yeah, I love graphics shows but I'm not really creative enough to make my own :o
Yeah, I love graphics shows but I'm not really creative enough to make my own :o

Yup, my love for lasers and projectors comes from my left brain, I don't have enough right brain power to make graphics. :whistle:
Nice work, Things, and thanks for the file, I'll check it out! I've been playing around with B3D as well, it is some very deep software. The tutorial videos Bill posted the other day have certainly helped.
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