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LoL 110mW $8.00 Pointer from IQS

Nice vid! I'm gonna try this with one of the IQS 405's, hopefully I can get the lens adjusted. What did you saw the host down with?

It should work on your 532nm. Might even ramp up the output by quite a bit. Its possible it might fry your diode as well but if not you would have hands down the most powerful cheap ebay greenie
I'm gonna leave my 532 the way it is. I don't wanna fry it. Its the laser I sometimes take with me when I go out because its powerful enough to wow people, yet cheap enough that if I lose it, or it breaks its still no big loss :p.
I've gotten about a dozen green pens from IQS and all have been crap, but that was 6+months ago though.
@qumefox: I've heard the same from alot of people. Their IQS pens are nothing special and their superbeasts are amazing, exactly the opposite for me though.

Maybe he shipped me one of his #100 pens by mistake lol, all I know is that the pen I got from him rivals my more expensive pointers.

Well I ordered 3 from him and told him that if they were well over-spec I would post on this forum and recommend which could get him quite a few sales. I should have them by Thursday. I'll meter them and let everyone know how they are!
Sweet, I can't wait. I want to eventually order his super beast #100 everyone is raving about.
Well I ordered 3 from him and told him that if they were well over-spec I would post on this forum and recommend which could get him quite a few sales. I should have them by Thursday. I'll meter them and let everyone know how they are!

The trouble with this is you'll get cherry picked lasers, if IQS even cares.. and most other people will probably get the usual crap.
Yeah, but the super beasts all seem to be excellent, even mine settles at a respectable 40mW. Also has decent divergence, and operates in TEM00 Mode.

Well I wasn't quite as lucky with my purchase...all three of my pointers are 38-43mW max. One of them is VERY stable which I am happy with but wasn't lucky enough to get anything close to your 110mW. Oh well! :beer:
I have seen several reports that these pointers can be further increased using 10440 li-ions. If you have one thats already nice and high imagine what it could be with a proper battery.

NOTE: only use 1 10440 as its already 3.6V (4.2V fresh) so you will need use use a spacer or cut down the tube.

I've powered my $8 IQS 532nm pen w/ the 10440 and can verify that it does work just fine. Even when using AAA cells I was seeing mode hopping after 20-30seconds.. w/ 1x 10440 it mode hops to TEM01 in about 5-10 seconds. The pen does get warm quickly either way and a duty cycle is highly recommended. I'd imagine that I'm getting around 60-70mw output.. which is freakin insane for the size! I'll likely cut down the tube like I did for a couple of my $8 IQS 405nm pens which are mini-burners now.
Fricken awesome. Yes, my IQS pen also splits into TEM01 as well, once it goes above 80mW. I dare not put a 10440 on this puppy, I think it will blow it out to go over 100mW lol.
