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LD-660nm-200mw, any body experience using this?

Dec 23, 2009
mitsubishi LD-660nm-200mw laser diode. its my first time trying to make a burning laser & i need help determining the optimum current this laser needs to burn stuff.. i included the manuf.spec sheet. thanks guys =)


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hello again. what if i follow the diode spec, can i just set the current to 210 & will it reach 200mW?
It say "CW 160mW" at 210mA, not 200mW ..... does the rest of the datasheet say 200 mW in pulsed mode ?

Probably you can use it until 200mW, with a decent heatsink, without problems ..... but it need more than 210mA, for this .....

EDIT: anyway, for "burn stuffs", is probably better to use a BR (violet, 405nm)
well it say 350mW in pulsed mode & 200mW in CW. how much do i really need to light a match or cut through plastic? maybe next time i'll invest in one of those BR diodes =D
Would just be better of buying an LPC or PHR from Modwerx for $15, PHR is only around 100mW but burns well because of it's short wavelength.

The LPC reaches around 250-300mW with the correct optics and will burn very well.

I would say around 200mW on this diode and it will comfortably light a match coloured black, or lightly melt black plastic.
