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Kryton Logo competition

That's better.

Except of course that it's 3 tone, not 2 tone :)

You have black, white AND transparency. In reality that white outline around the star will be the exact same shade as the text (black), and will blend in with it :)

True... but that's fixed with a flick of the magic wand tool. =P Do you reckon it'd be better if I deleted the white and made it transparent or coloured it black? o.o
Make it transparent. Distinguishing the snow flake makes it look better, and the only way you're going to do that is with transparency :)
Murudai has some very good points about format, I myself have modified my entry to fit in with competition guidelines and make the playing field more level. No harm meant to Villageidiot but having designs change half way through the poll was one of the reasons it was reset in the first place. I propose that before this gets out of hand, we decide on a usable standard size and format and reset it again. 1 final entry per person, no changes once started. Maybe even lock the thread untill completion of the poll.

To GooeyGus, I'm pleased that you like my rendering work, but I think its important that people make their decisions based on the design of the logo and not anything else. I actually feel kind of guilty for constantly shilling my logo on the renderings to be honest.

I know some of you are disappointed that the groove part of my design has been dropped from my entry. The concern as Kenom explained is that it would be Irrelevant for future runs. What I would like to say now is that I would be more than happy to design fitting logos for any future barrel designs and would even share font, size, and other relevant information so that others could make matching designs as well.

Basically I like my design as a whole, and want to make clear that it does not have to be incompatible with future runs or competitions if you don't want it to be.

As often happens I have probably Jumbled my words or distorted my intended meaning in some way so if you want me to clarify something I have said here please let me know.

EDIT: As an afterthought, If we are to make standard Images, Kenom suggested last night that I do a render of each entry. That might be a good way to keep everything fair. Let me know what you think. This is the mask I used for my renders:http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/cogboy/Krytonlogoexample.png. If you want me to do a render for you pm me an image in the same layout and format.
It would only take me one evening to do one for everyone.
lol pwnstar.
I know that scog has made a good point. I'm not horribly excited about redoing the poll again but if it's fair that way, then that's what we should do. It wouldn't be very hard to do. Entry #1 and 6 should be put in total black and white.

What does everyone else think?
Kenom said:
lol pwnstar.
I know that scog has made a good point.  I'm not horribly excited about redoing the poll again but if it's fair that way, then that's what we should do.  It wouldn't be very hard to do.  Entry #1 and 6 should be put in total black and white.

What does everyone else think?

I think that Scog still has the best logo!
Yes VillageIdiot's logo can be in B&W.

Depending on the resolution, gamma, and bleed of the etching laser, it might look good when etched from this:


VillageIdiot might want to change the highlighting, because as it is now, the light edges are on the right and bottom
^I like that. A lot. Here's that inverted:

What filter did you use to achieve that Zom-B? I only have Paint.NET.


  • Inverted.png
    18.3 KB · Views: 74
Unfortunately I have a good example of the resolution limits here and that would not come out right unless it was done in the same size as it appears on screen. I wish i could take a good photo but here is a shot from my cellphone

See the blurry white line at the head of the flashlight? that is the serial number that goes like this: US844851. It's about as small as it can get while still remaining clear. the 2 4's in the number both look very different up close, as do the 8's. I have no Idea what this translates to in dpi but I think it will be best to stick to solid colours for this. The etching gives a slightly textured surface anyway, so it would not turn out too far from what you are going for, but the edges would be sharp.
To GooeyGus, I'm pleased that you like my rendering work, but I think its important that people make their decisions based on the design of the logo and not anything else. I actually feel kind of guilty for constantly shilling my logo on the renderings to be honest.

Oh I know! trust me, if I didn't think yours was the best for the barrel, I wouldn't be voting for it ;D

I think the other entries are REALLY awesome looking and everything, and in theory they are great, but in practice I think yours (scog) will work the best on the barrel.
VillageIdiot said:
^I like that. A lot. Here's that inverted:

What filter did you use to achieve that Zom-B? I only have Paint.NET.
I used Paint Shop pro. First I loaded the transparency into the image from the alpha channel, then I removed transparency again by down sampling it on a white background. These steps are effectively the same as showing the PNG in internet explorer and taking a screen shot. Then I reduced the colors to 2, and selected the Error Diffusion/Burkes method. This unfortunately created some alien pixels in the white area, as if it was not totally white (maybe the Burkes algorithm erroneously expects 256 to be white) so I restored the white by selecting all white area in the image before reducing colors and pasted it in the same place, after. Then remains the inverting, so pixels being etched (which look lighter on the barrel) are white.
