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Is TW-USA a reliable seller?

Jan 5, 2010
I recently bought a 5mw 405nm laser from them for $55. The laser arrived and it worked fine although I noticed the label was wrong (it said 532nm 10mw). Then after about 2 week something in the diode went wrong and now it randomly becomes unfocused and incredibly dim. Have any of you bought from this company before and if so how was your experience with them?

I recently bought a 5mw 405nm laser from them for $55. The laser arrived and it worked fine although I noticed the label was wrong (it said 532nm 10mw). Then after about 2 week something in the diode went wrong and now it randomly becomes unfocused and incredibly dim. Have any of you bought from this company before and if so how was your experience with them?

I'm not sure about the focusing issue, but as far as it becoming dim; are your batteries fresh?
Someone else told me that a window in the laser diode had become loose. Ive already messed with possibilities surrounding the batteries. If you have any ideas on how to fix this then im completly open because I can't find some important info regarding the warranty.
