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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

I want a laser in a gun-like host :D

May 14, 2013
How does the murder rate and gun ownership have anything to do with each other? If it is murder you are concerned about then turn your attention to where it is a real problem. U.N. report reveals world's highest murder rates; Honduras tops list - CNN.com
The murder rate in the US is very low. A murderer will murder with whatever means is available to them, a lack of weapons won't deter them, in fact it will make it easier if the victim can't kill the murderer in self defense. And please tell us how you define a developed nation.


Nov 6, 2014
Your argument that carrying weapons makes people safer would be a whole lot more plausible if your country didn't have the highest gun related homicide rate of any developed nation on this planet.

It's kind of pointless to compare the gun homicide rate between a country that allows guns and one that does not. Obviously the country that doesn't allow guns isn't going to have many gun homicides simply because there aren't any guns around. Homicide is homicide whether a gun was used or not. It's not like a homicide with a gun is worse than simply beating someone to death. (Actually if I had to choose my fate I'd rather be shot) Simply put, comparing gun homicide rates between countries with very different laws regarding gun ownership doesn't show whether crime is actually increasing/decreasing and is very much cherry-picking data.

However, if you look at something more relevant like gun homicide rates by country in 2012 you get a better look at what is going on. United states is 4.7 homicides per 100k. Australia is 1.1 per 100k. Australia does have less homicides in general, but both are easily on the safer side of places that you could live. I don't think that there is any reason to say that either country is plagued with homicides even though the US has a rate that is roughly 5x higher. Either county (US or Australia) compared to some countries in Central America, South America, or especially Africa is nearly crime/ homicide free.

Where things get interesting is when you look at how things like poverty, economics, gangs, wage gaps, etc... People always act like gun control is the end-all-be-all for controlling crimes. It's really a drop in the bucket when you compare it to other factors. The fact of the matter is if someone want to commit homicide they will regardless of what tools they have at their disposal. The key to reducing crimes is eliminating the reasons people commit them in the first place.


Dec 7, 2010
How does the murder rate and gun ownership have anything to do with each other? If it is murder you are concerned about then turn your attention to where it is a real problem. U.N. report reveals world's highest murder rates; Honduras tops list - CNN.com
The murder rate in the US is very low. A murderer will murder with whatever means is available to them, a lack of weapons won't deter them, in fact it will make it easier if the victim can't kill the murderer in self defense. And please tell us how you define a developed nation.


I define a developed nation the same way your government does:
Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holy See, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, NZ, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, US,

Again, cite your source. Since when is the US murder rate low?
It has the highest murder rate of any developed nation:
U.S. murder rate higher than nearly all other developed countries: FBI data

But I guess if you want to compare yourself to Honduras, you're doing awesome! Good job!
May 1, 2011
I feel that gun laws only hurt the law abiding citizens since criminals never obey it to begin with. They stay armed and we are defenseless.
May 14, 2013
It is ridiculous to compare us to the Vatican or Monaco. And I did cite a source, maybe you didn't look at it. The US murder rate is less than 1/6th that of the country that is number 10 on the list. But here is another source: Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data | Table and here is a more complete list of 218 countries: List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia we clearly have a lower homicide rate in the US than most countries at 4.7 per 100,000 and the average world wide is 6.2.



Dec 7, 2010
It is ridiculous to compare us to the Vatican or Monaco. And I did cite a source, maybe you didn't look at it. The US murder rate is less than 1/6th that of the country that is number 10 on the list. But here is another source: Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data | Table and here is a more complete list of 218 countries: List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia we clearly have a lower homicide rate in the US than most countries at 4.7 per 100,000 and the average world wide is 6.2.


Perfect, you did my work for me.

As shown in that list, the United States has a murder rate that is the worst of any developed nation on this planet.

If you want to compare your murder rate to a bunch of developing nations and say "look, we're at least doing better than them!", by all means, knock yourself out. I'll concede that the United States has a lower murder rate than a whole bunch of countries like Chad, Somalia, Uganda, etc etc etc. If you think that is your proof that carrying weapons makes you safer, then enjoy your "safety".

If you find any more statistics that illustrate my point for me, please feel free to post them. That was helpful.


Dec 7, 2010
That is ridiculous. The point he was making was killers will be killers, no matter what tools are available to them. Obviously there would be more gun violence in anti-gun countries if they had more guns. But, the argument stands.

Well, actually, it doesn't. The list of homicides per capita that PiR Squared provided is a list of homicides, regardless of weapon, and the US leads the pack by far. So regardless of weather you look solely at gun related deaths, or at murders of any sort, the US is top among its peers. The only counter, is to point out that some developing nations are worse off. On that point, we agree. The US is safer than a whole bunch of developing nations (if those words confuse you, a developing nation is essentially the polite term for a country that we might have called "third world" in previous times).

Look, I like guns. I enjoy shooting them (there are ranges in Canada where you can go shoot them for practice without owning one). I think they're mechanically and intellectually interesting. I think they have a neat history. However, I'm not delusional enough to believe that easy access to them makes society safer. All of the data and research says otherwise.
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Dec 7, 2010
No it doesn't. Did you look at the List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia link?
There's a colored map and everything... :huh:

Yes I did. Instead of looking at the pretty pictures, why not read the data? Sort the list by homicides per capita, descending, and you'll see that the US has a rate that is worse than every other developed nation on the list. This isn't subjective information, it's data, and you guys provided it.

What if someone were to tell you that you can't have your lasers because they are dangerous? They gave you statistics and news articles about how dangerous it is for pilots when lasers are aimed at them. They tell you of the dangers of if your kids got a hold of your lasers, the damage they could do.
Wouldn't you tell them that YOU (personally) handle your lasers with respect. Wouldn't you tell them that YOU make sure YOUR lasers stay out of the reach of children? Or, would you just say: "You know what? You're right. Lasers ARE dangerous insturments. It's completely irrelevant that I am totally responsible with MY lasers, even though there are plenty of idiots out there who do stupid things with THEIR lasers. Here you go! Take my lasers.

If it got to the point where lasers were as big of a societal problem as guns are in the US currently, then I would much rather give up my lasers, than live in a society where a bunch of idiots were rabidly misusing theirs.


May 14, 2011

I really wanna do a build in a gun host... But I don't know of the possibility... Not only do I need to find something useable... I need to get it past Aussie customs... They are gonna see something in the shape of a rifle or a 9mm show up straight away! Any thoughts on this?

Jetlasers makes a pistol type Gun type Dazzler Laser, non lethal, focusable, pulse mode

They also make a rifle type not shown on web site
Mar 28, 2011

I really wanna do a build in a gun host... But I don't know of the possibility... Not only do I need to find something useable... I need to get it past Aussie customs... They are gonna see something in the shape of a rifle or a 9mm show up straight away! Any thoughts on this?

doopydoos e-11

Comes in parts in a bag...

Buy paint and glue and laserparts.

Build laser inside by drilling..
Battery in magazine housing.... done :)

This kit doesn't have moving parts, so you will have to find out how to make the trigger work... (but totally possible with balpoint spring etc.. etc.. so you can have a little switch behind the trigger.

Idea trick photo*

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Dec 7, 2010
You can't sit there (with a straight face) and tell me that Russia is not a developed country. I'm sorry, but to imply that the United States is such a dangerous and horrible place to live because we have a 4.7 murder rate (on that scale) where the average North and South American continents' average is 16.3 is pretty damned insulting. I'd argue that if it wern't for the top two countries here (geologically speaking) that number would be higher.

I listed the countries that are developed countries by your own government's criteria, not criteria I made up.

However, I'm happy to concede this point too. The United States has a lower murder rate than Russia...and Pakistan, South Africa, and a whole bunch of other countries. In other words, you're not dead last. Congrats?
Dec 19, 2014

I really wanna do a build in a gun host... But I don't know of the possibility... Not only do I need to find something useable... I need to get it past Aussie customs... They are gonna see something in the shape of a rifle or a 9mm show up straight away! Any thoughts on this?

I got it! You should convert an NES Zapper! NES Zapper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It was already done. Here's a link to the article: http://www.geekologie.com/2012/09/nes-zapper-modded-into-a-powerful-burnin.php
Or just Google Image search "Laser Gun" like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=las...LLtHsoATWt4D4CA&ved=0CB8QsAQ&biw=1366&bih=681
There's tons of custom made laser guns out there.
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May 14, 2013
There is a member in Chicago called danefex that has made some. Here is one of his videos:

Nov 2, 2010
I listed the countries that are developed countries by your own government's criteria, not criteria I made up.

However, I'm happy to concede this point too. The United States has a lower murder rate than Russia...and Pakistan, South Africa, and a whole bunch of other countries. In other words, you're not dead last. Congrats?

Hmmm I will just leave this here:

if we removed the gun murder data for the 12 cities in the United States with the highest murder rates, all of which are Democrat Party-controlled cities with highly restrictive gun laws, the United States would drop to number 211 out of 218 countries. Detroit, with a rate of 54.6 murders per one hundred thousand residents, would alone be the number-two murder capital in the world behind Honduras, if Detroit were it’s own sovereign country.

Shooting Down Statistical Violence Aimed at U.S. Gun Owners (Video)

And for the record, I wish I lived in Alaska :(


Jul 25, 2015
I am from the UK, and I'm happy that nobody has guns. Sure, I may not have one to protect myself, but it means the attacker won't have one to attack me with! It works this way with anything. At least a knife doesn't travel at 800ft per second.

Anyone ever used a laser for self-defense?! I can't imagine someone wanting to bother me when they know I can instantly blind them, forever. (Just a thought - safety comes first!)
