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High-Power 200mW Red Laser Pen (Burns Match + Visible Beam Daytime) wont burn

Jul 2, 2011
I got this laser High-Power 200mW Red Laser Pen (Burns Match + Visible Beam Daytime) - Gadgetsmall.com: Electronics, Computers, GPS, Camcorders, iPhones, iPods, XBOX etc and have atttempted to light matches and fireworks and have not succeded I have lit one match successfully and one firework both i had to color black first. It will make the thing im burning smoke for a second then it does nothing. The beam is not set to infinity and i charge the batt's for about 10 mins. Anyone know the problem ? I may not be focusing it right.:confused: also i cannot see the beam even in the darkest of conditions
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This is the same thread as your last thread and almost word for word too.
That's a no no here on lpf..
Only the Admin or Mods can delete Threads...
Go PM one to do that for you....

