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Hi to all from Spain.

Apr 5, 2011
Hi to all from Spain :wave:

A few days ago I discovered this wonderful forum and spent hours reading and learning a lot, although English is not easy for me, but I do what I can.

So to be magnanimous and forgive me the many faults of writing that may have :yabbem:

Thanks to all who are you doing this wonderful forum.

Best regards from Spain :beer:

Welcome to LPF!

Enjoy your stay... and read the forum rules to go catching the forum rhythm ;).

I got problems with english too but with a bit of practise and some hours participating in I'm sure that you'll learn very fast.

Is a good way to learn english because is the only language you can use here to relate.

So that read and post and learn more knowledges about our hobby.

Have a :beer:

Yo también soy un torpe con el inglés, pero he aprendido mucho escribiendo por el foro, incluso esos aprendizajes me han ayudado a sacar mejores notas en inglés jaja.
Cualquier cosa, no dudes en darme un toque, suelo pasar bastante xd. Me alegro que haya más españoles por aquí. Te aseguro que hay bastantes, pero no suelen pronunciarse mucho.. jaja

Un saludo tío ; )
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A Warm
to LPF :beer:
to the Forum......
Don't forget to read the FAQs...the Stickies and
the Forum Rules..

Enjoy your stay...

Hi, and Thank you for your welcome.

no problem, thank you Antoniio.

Very nice warm welcome Arayan, jajaja, thanks.

Yes lasersbee, I will do it :thanks:

See you soon :beer:
