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Hello everyone

Jul 16, 2010
I am new to this forum and pretty new to lasers. I have always been fascinated with lasers/laser pointers and I recently decided to get a powerful one... You know which one I am talking about. ARCTIC :wtf:
I have over the past few days been reading about laser safety and about safety glasses. I still have many questions so I thought I would join a forum, what better forum than laserpointerforum? Haha. And yes I know I should probably not get a laser with this much power if I am a noob, that's why I am reading up on stuff. I read that the S3 Arctic will have a 5% or 10% power option + the training lens which will cut it down even more. If you are running a 1000mW laser at 10% power wouldn't that = 100mW which is not SUPER dangerous from what I've read.. If so then I will probably keep it on that power for a long time until I feel like I have a good enough understanding of laser safety to bump up the power. I am saying all this because I want you guys to know that I am not one of the "immature" users that just want to blind pilots and start fires. BTW My name is Taylor and I am from San Diego, California.

WELCOME TO L.P.F. !!!!! yahh we are all waiting in the dark......i do have a custom built 445 1.2 w thats keeping me satisfied tho...
I am new to this forum and pretty new to lasers. (...) 100mW which is not SUPER dangerous from what I've read...

Hello Taylor,

Well, 100 mw is still pretty dangerous, since many lasers in that power range can pop balloons, light matches, and almost instantly burn off your retinas.

I would treat a 100 mw laser with as much respect as a the "arctic" at full power. Do wear goggles even at that power level, and always be weary of unintended reflections that can shoot the beam in your direction. Glad you can join us at LPF, be safe and enjoy your new hobby.

yup i had the same urge to build my own.
no sense in waiting for there laser besides that cool host.

a easy host for around 7$
Now I tried to order it and my bank has something that only allows you to buy something from china up to 250bucks and with the 2 year warranty on the Arctic + the shipping it goes to 260 something.. Great. :p I try to contact them by live chat and by phone but I can't so..... yeah. I guess I won't get the warranty on it. I am willing to spend 400 bucks over the next 2 days so maybe I just won't get this one. I don't need one that is this powerful and I heard that this beam can ruin your ability to see green? I'm hoping the shades would prevent that. That's scary. I would rather have a couple cool colored ones than 1 super strong crazy blue one anyways. Any ideas on which lasers I should get to start off my collection? Which goggles/lenses/shades for them? Or should I stick with the Arctic? I would like a blue laser, it doesn't have to be this powerful though. Also I want one that I don't have to be extremely careful with and that I can show off to friends ;] without making them wear goggles. Sorry for asking so much haha.. I am very curious:eg:
Ok so.. If anyone has skype or xbox live or something that we could talk on.. I would try not to be a bother but yeah I would love to talk to someone that knows a bit about lasers so that I could clear up some questions I've had. The forum works but I just want a quick question and answer session haha. I will type out some of the ones here.

1.If I get a 200mW-1000mW laser and shine it up at the sky (not at planes/helicopters), could a friend that was looking at the beam going up towards the sky hurt their eyes? (which powers could hurt their eyes when looking at the beam, if any) Or is it only the dot that hurts your eyes, or reflections of the dot going back towards your eyes? (sorry dot is the most scientific word I can use :p)

2.Are Wicked Lasers "shades" good? Why do they have 2 pairs of "shields" that are 60 dollars more?

3.Should I get the Sonar Lunar and E1 Executive Pulsar instead of the Arctic? (I know it's just an opinion but give me yours please)
1) You can't really get damage from viewing the beam side-on, it's only from direct contact, staring/looking for extended periods at the spot, or reflections/speculars that could cause eye damage. Always be careful and remember that there are indirect effects with high-intensity 445nm, as well as direct damage from heat. Look around - there's a good post from LSRFAQ - I think it was entitled "A plea for eye safety".

2) WL Shades are generally considered to be safe and work fine, just make sure that they cover your eyes completely (if you leave a large gap between the glasses and your face then you might still get a reflection in your eyes through that gap by accident)

3) It's your choice, but I personally wouldn't buy from WL at all, I'd go the DIY route. There might be a delay before the Arctics ship but I'm not sure about the others.
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3) It's your choice, but I personally wouldn't buy from WL at all, I'd go the DIY route. There might be a delay before the Arctics ship but I'm not sure about the others.

Yeah I would like to make my own but it seems like it would be complicated and take a lot of time. I think I would need a friend that does DIY lasers and have him show me how to do it in person for me to get into that. I don't really like Tutorials that you read, a youtube vid might be nice but I prefer hands on learning.

Thanks for the input man. Other than price, are there any problems with wicked lasers that I should know about? Build quality, etc. ?
all these questions have already been answered on the forum. not to be a douche, but if every newbie gets these questions answered when they ask, then we would have an overflow of the same information. so try and use the search button

.... and to answer that question, WL (from the reviews here) are usually under spec for the high powered ones. we dont know about the arctic yet because none have been shipped out.
you are better off buying from o-like or rayfoss, they have blu-ray, but if you want a 445 and dont want to DIY then buy from members here. they have their own kits that really make it easy for you.
Yeah, sorry about that deam. I will use the search button from now on.

Dont have to apologize lol, you didnt do anything wrong because you didnt know

And I think I will get these for the safety glasses.. ARG - UV, Blu Ray, Argon, Blue, KTP Green Protection ARG - UV, Blu Ray, Argon, Blue, KTP Green Protection [NR-ARG-EN207] - $78.20 I saw them in another post and they look good. And it seems like the higher the OD the better, so 7+ seems nice. Price isn't bad either. I've dropped way more on some oakleys and those don't protect me from lasers :p

that might be overkill, it depends on what laser you have because if you use an OD7 on a 100mW laser you wont be able to see anything at all

and also, remember that these goggles are rated for specific wavelengths!
i just purchased a set of goggles from OEM myself, but i did it through a group buy through the forum so you save a little $$.

-- Start reading here a lot, the forum is more helpful than you think :D
that might be overkill, it depends on what laser you have because if you use an OD7 on a 100mW laser you wont be able to see anything at all

and also, remember that these goggles are rated for specific wavelengths!
i just purchased a set of goggles from OEM myself, but i did it through a group buy through the forum so you save a little $$.

-- Start reading here a lot, the forum is more helpful than you think :D
Yeah, I was saying that those would be the goggles I'd get for the S3 Arctic. But to be honest I would probably use the laser with the training lens and on the 10% power function 99% of the time.. That would make it what? 100mW I think. So ya I guess they would be overkill if my math is right, but when I do use it on full power I would definitely want the best protection possible. Idk. I confuse myself when I talk haha.

Thanks for all the help guys :beer:
